SMDB Bookclub: Feb Selection, March Nominiations

Wow, let’s make this complicated, shall we?

I’d like to renominate Botany of Desire, but my second-place vote would be for American Gods. Hope this info is helpful to Light Strand, who, it seems, will need the diplomatic skills of [I’m not going to give a name lest I start some other argument] a truly skilled diplomat to present us with our next selection.

Having read brief descriptions of the different books mentioned in this thread, I must say that it is American Gods that interests me the most. However, I will probably buy a copy of whatever book finally “wins,” so long as I can find it in paperback (hard covers are a very rare treat for me now that I’m an unemployed college student again). Then, as was the case with me and A Handmaid’s Tale this month, I will probably read the book and make absolutely no comment about it in next month’s thread . . .

–Mephisto, who is a non-participating participant in real life clubs as well . . .

I’m trying to keep a running total: so I think we now have either two or three votes for American Gods Let’s say three. And let’s say Mocking bird is the nominator. If we decide that Mockingbird is not the nominator that will knock down the total votes to two.

So to recap:
American Gods Three votes
Botany of Desire one vote
Excession one vote

Any more?

Come on. Someone out there must have a book nominee!


The Way We Never Were, by Stephanie Coontz

Should get the conservatives and liberals around here into some sort of feeding frenzy.

Hmm, that does sound intriguing… I second The Way We Never Were

Oh Dangerosa, that looks good!

I’ll third that nomination.

I’m a very new member, but I love book clubs. Can I add my vote for The Way We Never Were ? I checked up on The Lovely Bones and that’s not out in paperback over here until July.

Okay – I’ll withdraw my nomination for Botany of Desire (but we’ll be back) to throw my support behind The Way We Never Were. It was already on my to-read list (the mental one only, alas).

Hi Felonious! I’m not one of the book club higher ups, but since they haven’t responded yet, I’ll take the chance to welcome you!

And don’t worry about being new… Almost all of us are to this online book club thing! :slight_smile:

I’ve read books with others online before (here and other places) and it’s a lot of fun! I’ll read whatever you all are reading (meaning, I’ll stay out of the nominating for now). I’ve already read The Lovely Bones, so I’ll wait for March!

(I’m still deep into my Ice Age reading, so I’ll be occupied. And not by Ayla!! LOL)

Felonious, I’m sorry about the Lovely Bones being only available in hard cover, but I think the others here will agree that it’s worth having in hard cover (maybe you can get it at the library?). I just finished reading it, and I must say I don’t regret for a minute that I bought it. It was worth it, as I’ve passed it on, and so far three other members of my family have read and it’s still in high demand as a passed-on read. Money very well spent.

Since we are brand new, there are no “longtime members” I’m the longest standing member, cause it was my idea, but don’t want this to be “my” deal (for one thing, I may end up not having time, so I need this to take on some sort of its own life, for another, I really hate being “in charge” of anything).

So to anyone who is popping in new: Welcome. This is kind of an open house/group home type book club. Read as you wish, skip a book if it doesn’t interest you. Come and go as you please.


I went to the local library to pick up The Lovely Bones, and all 5 copies were out :frowning:

I recommend rethinking the book suggestions concerning books not available in paperback. After all, this month’s book will be available in paperback in a few months. By choosing a book only available in hardcover, people are forced to pay more than they might want to, making them more reluctant to participate in the book club.

…then again, maybe I’m just bitter because I was planning on reading American Gods this month :wink:

Fortunately, I found a copy of The Lovely Bones on sale this weekend, so I will be able to participate in the next monthly book discussion. I won’t say much about the book right now, but after going 1/4 through it in only a short amount of reading I can say that it’s a quick read (and I’m an incredibly slow reader). Another interesting thing is that among the 4 books I have read this year so far (I am participating in the 50 books in a year challenge), this is the second book that featured a first person narrative. I just found that to be interesting.

Oh well… back to reading!

Thanks for the welcome! I’ll try my local library for Lovely Bones and see if they laugh at me or not. I did find a copy of American Gods lurking on my dearest beloved’s bookshelf yesterday though…

bump and personal reading update.

I finished The Lovely Bones and posted a mini-review in the 50 Book Challenge thread on LiveJournal. I’ll have more to say when we start a thread on the February book here.

I’m also bumping the thread for any interested in participating and nominating/seconding a book (I’m still rooting for American Gods to win it ;)).

Just a little bump - tomorrow is March 1[sup]st[/sup]. Can’t wiat to discuss The Lovely Bones and see what the March selection is.