Concerning Mr. Foley. Yes, it is quite distasteful, quite unfortunate, and quite innapropriate.
A barely closeted gay Republican was quite friendly to some pages. Was he more innapropriately friendly to these pages than we would expect Senator Kennedy to be to an attractive 16 year old girl? Did he break a law? Did he engage in sex or corrupt a minor while they were under age.
I have not heard that allegation made. Considering carefully what we do know, Mr. Foley had contact with a former page by IM and email while that person was underrage and it was enough to make the interest was enough to make the parents uncomfortable. A stern talking to occured and Mr. Foley was told to desist. The content of these emails while the boy was underrage is unknown, at least to me. It’s possible someone will correct me and show innapropriate conduct towards a minor, and if so, I would welcome the correction.
After the boy was 18 Foley engaged in cybersex with him. I do not find it unexpected that an older gay man might be attracted to younger gay men and look forward to the day they turn 18 in much the way so many of us looked forward to Britney Spears turning 18.
Distasteful? Yes. Innapropriate for a man in his position? Yes. Illegal? Hardly.
Mr. Foley is gone, denounced and condemned now by both Democrats and Republicans for his actions. Crass partisanship and cries of hypocrisy are heaped upon those who might defend him or suggest his actions are anything worthy of less than the full measure of opprobrium, scorn and contempt.
Quite an October surprise, and nothing to be done for it. Nothing to be said.
Or is there?
Let us turn gently to two highly disparate sources. First, of course, I give you the lovely and talented… or venomous and hate spewing (you clicks your mouse and chooseth your adjectives yourself) Ann Coulter who today has written a rather interesting column.
Does anyone remember Gerry Studds?
Remember the cries of indignation, and rage and the accusations of witch hunting and gay-hating.
Where is the defense of Foley from the ever gay friendly Democratic coalition.
If Gerry Studds can get reelected with Democratic support after sodomizing 17 year old boys why would they seek to crucify Mr. Foley for email and IM with an 18 year old?
Can you say “double standard?” Can you say “Hypocrisy?”
So sneer on, Mr. Bricker. Sneer on.
I shall give you some more to sneer about.
Consider the timing of this issue, this October surprise. It is not the first time the Democratic party has played fast and loose with the issue of gay people to win an election.
Do you remember the most recent Presidential election when Mr. Kerry and Edwards went to great pains to remind everyone that Mr. Cheney had a gay daughter? Of course, this was all phrased in the most complimentary of terms, but the clear implication was that they wanted the social conservative base to know that Cheney was harboring a dyke in the hopes they might not turn out to support him or make him look weak on family values.
No consideration for the young lady, her dignity, or her privacy. The most personal aspects of her life joyfully made public to serve a political end.
Is this not worthy of a sneer?
But you protest. It was nothing of the kind, Edwards’ and Kerrys’ remarks. They were sincerely complimentary of Mr. Cheney as a fellow crusader for gay rights.
I did promise two disparate viewpoints, did I not? Let us click now on the other end of the spectrum politically and view what this bold crusader for justice, or lying antichrist (you clicks your mouse and chooseth your adjective,) David Corn has to say.
Scroll down to October 4, “THE LIST.”
“THE LIST” is a list of top Republican Congressional Aides who are gay.
What purpose would such a list serve and who would compile it? Mr. Corn has decided not to post the names on THE LIST, but he does say this:
Apparently, it is ok to out people if they disagree with you politically. Apparently it is ok to have such a list, so that you can keep it handy for when you can use it.
Personally, I suspect that many people on THE LISt are not exactly super-closeted (else they would not be on the list, would they?) That they are gay is hardly an issue, or a topic of interest to those Republicans that employ them. What is of interest is their ability to their jobs well. Doing so would be why the have the jobs they have. Their sexual orientation is irrelevant and should not come into play. It is their choice, their freedom. This list supposedly contains some high-powered name.)
Why would Mr. Corn have a problem with this? Why would he have a copy of this list? Why would this list be circulating among Democrats?
The Republicans apparently don’t care. Why do you?
I support gay rights. It is my shame that the party of my choice has social conservatives among its core constituency who’s agenda is clearly anti-gay. It is why I renounced my Republicanism severeal years ago. I cannot abide it.
I would like to say that I find the Democrats’ attitudes equally distasteful. That’s not true. It’s a different animal, and I find it difficult to compare apples and oranges.
But, for a party that lays such claim to being for equality and civil rights to use people and this issue this way, to demonstrate such callous hypocrisy, such two-facedness and to be openly and cynically manipulative concerning people’s personal choices brings quite the sneer of disgust to my lips.
I look down upon the Republican majority for their ignorant, outdated and prejudical attitudes towards gays and I am ashamed.
Perhaps though in some circumstances I can waive my hand and become an apologist and say that they know not what they do for they are misguided and stupid yes, but not insincere in their beleifs, and perhaps I can point to the gay staffers with a small measure of pride and say that their skill at their vocation does not allow their orientation to disqualify them from service, that there is at least that.
We cannot really claim that Democrats know not what they do, can we?
They claim to know better on this issue. They claim the high ground. They can’t claim that they don’t know better.
Lest I leave without Godwinizing, remember that the Nazis made “lists” too.
So sneer on.
Sneer and weep and vote for the scumbag of your choice, be he vile hypocritical opportunistic two-faced Democrat or slimy bigoted greedy self-serving Republican.
You casts your vote and you chooseth your adjective.
But we can’t really say that the Democrats