Snow is coming for parts of the eastern US

I try to be nonchalant about winter weather, since I moved to the Midwest on purpose and all, but I can’t say that I’m too sad about missing this one. (Visiting my family in CA at the moment… says it’s 50 degrees outside right now.)

That flight was cancelled. They got rebooked on a later flight, and that flight was cancelled. Now they’re booked on a Monday flight.

I guess it’s just as well - I’m not sure we’d have been able to get to the airport anyway.

The pizza delivery places are closed. I may have to make French toast again. :wink:

I’m just outside of Boston. Latest forecast for my area says 5 to 8 tonight, 4 to 6 tomorrow. I’m fine with that. I’ll be hunkered down baking cookies, knitting, and watching TV all day. I think I’ll have to go out sometime early, though, to make sure I clear enough so I can shovel myself out. My stupid screen door opens out - and last winter there were times I barely got myself out.

the front steps are slowly disappearing. the snow has edged passed the bottom step and is starting to get level with the next one.

i live in the middle of a very narrow “one ox” street. it is filling up rapidly. i don’t know where we will be piling the snow when we dig out. i’ll have to wait for the neighbours on the ends to dig out before i can get off the street.

Okay, that second pic? If you sit at your window long enough, do you think you’ll see a faun walk by?

I’m in the Boston 'burbs, too. Nothing here, yet.

Do you have a hair dryer? Aim it through the screen to melt the snow on the other side.[sup]*[/sup]

  • I just made that up. I have no idea if it works.

Looks like the storm’s done with us- there’s just a light dusting coming down. It looks like we got 2-3 feet of snow here (unsure due to drifts), and we *might *get another 1-3 inches overnight (but I kinda doubt it). I think we’re going to just play in the snow tomorrow, and hope we can get to work on Monday. I’ve got a short commute, but the roads could be pretty bad.

The good part was I had no place to go today. The bad part is the snowplow has plowed me in to my parking spot. I went out around 1:00 or so and cleared off my car, but I don’t have a shovel, and the pile of snow is up to the middle of the front grill of my car.
My apartment complex is good about plowing the lots, but it’s never snowed this much since I’ve lived here. Never had a need for a shovel. The kidlet and I may walk to Wal-Mart tomorrow if it’s clear.

BibKitty - good luck getting a shovel. The day before it started, all the stores in our area were out of everything but children’s toy shovels. Our Lowe’s sold out within an hour of opening on Friday. My son in law got lucky and got the last 2 at a rather remote hardware store when he drove over into Virginia.

I had to shovel a small area for the dogs this morning, and that stuff is heavy. We got over a foot, but I don’t think there’s 18" - it’s hard to tell. I’m thinking the first thing I’ll do is de-snow my car and back it into the garage (don’t ask) so we’ll have space to start clearing. Spousal Unit is under orders (from me) not to shovel - he’s going to the hospital for a shot in his spine - he doesn’t need to be shoveling. So “the kids” will be working with me. I’m hoping we can get it clear in a couple of hours.

**Rilch **- nope, no fauns… :stuck_out_tongue: Although there is this white lab that likes to come crap in our yard.

22.something inches in philly. some neighbours have poked their noses out the door, one or two have started to clear.

times like these i’m glad i have the wee pavement to clear. just 2 squares wide and 3 squares long. no long drive way, no long walk, and tons of people looking to make some money clearing snow.

and now the sun is shining on 23.2 inches. the neighbours are out and trying to dig out the street. my wee patch of concrete is done and i am inside watching the guys dig out.

WTF? You live, what, maybe five miles from me? We got about a foot, max, here in the Falls.

Some pictures I took this morning.

I tried to snowplow out of my driveway, but I only got halfway. I imagine I’ll have to spend this afternoon shoveling the rest of the way out. Right now the roads are clear, but I imagine all that melted snow on the road is going to turn into ice tonight.

I saw the Philadelphia news reporting 23 inches fell in the city. I look out the window and I think “Typo”. 13 inches is more like it. At most.

Of course, that’s still quite enough to snarl the town. I’m just grateful I’m taking next week off from work and won’t have to risk my bones on half-thawed and refrozen sidewalks Monday morning.

thus sayeth action news… thus 23.2 it is. i can tell you it was topping the second step on my house.

they measure at the airport which i think is daft. they should do phila’s weather around city hall or independence hall, the airport is odd weather wise.

25 inches of snow here.

The whole area is paralyzed. I spent Friday night sleeping on the floor at my job. Saturday I got a ride in to town to my wife who was stranded in a motel. This morning we finally made it home. Outdoor dog is fine. Indoor dogs filled the place with pee and such, but at least everyone is safe.

The drive on 29 south of Charlottesville was a nightmare. Hundreds of stranded cars. Flipped vehicles. Jack-knifed trucks and trailers. Cars that had no business being on the road in this mess now buried…and not likely to be unburied for a while. No exaggeration. On Saturday morning they had the National Guard out rescuing people who had been stuck in stranded cars for 12 hours.

Central Virginia has absolutely no clue about what to do with this situation. Complete mess…and with no end to freezing temperatures this is going to be a hell of a week. Just hope it doesn’t snow again Thursday.

I was pretty smug that the snow that was predicted to start at 8:00 am didn’t start until 3:00 pm. I just finished digging out.

I think they were predicting 6 to 12 inches by us and we got around 8 or 9 inches.


The pictures from the places south of here look really deep. “Snowpocalypse” is a great name for it.

Our vehicles had about 16" on top, maybe a bit more. For a geographical reference, if you look on Mapquest at Helen, MD, we’re about half a mile from the star.

We were out shoveling this morning, and had just finished moving the humongo pile that the plow stacked at the end of the driveway when a couple of guys with a bobcat offered to finish for us for $10. We gave them $20. They cleared the driveway nicely as well as the mega-pile blocking our mailbox. If only they’d come about 2 hours earlier… I should have gotten a phone number from them for the next storm.

Our county did a great job with the main roads - many of them are dry, thanks to the sunny day. There’s only one road on my way to work that worries me, but I think it’s probably plowed, since they did our little neighborhood. Unless it was one of the neighbors doing our roads. In any case, we’ve got 4 days of sun and above freezing temps, then close to 50 and rain on Christmas, so with luck, the big piles will dissipate soon.

How much longer till spring?

Winter doesn’t even officially start until tomorrow. :frowning: