
Pictures of the white stuff, please, for your poor Floridian (and other southern) friends?

Seventy-nine here in Chicago. I hope it lasts, but I know it won’t. :frowning:

What is this snow of which you speak?

I was in Manchester centre yesterday, it was in the high 60s and we were sat at the roadside cafes scoffing and channeling beer down

Pictures at my house from last year.

All the weather experts say we’re not due for the white stuff until at least the end of the month. Oh, well.

Today? It’s 27 degrees out. That’s 80 degrees to you Merkins. It’s the middle of October and I could go outside and suntan in shorts. :rolleyes:

77 in beautiful Cleveland.

Holy crap!!

That’s what you call snow

BTW, who the hell is on the end of that broom?

Yeah, what’s up with this? I thought we wouldn’t have to worry about A/C in the car for the rest of the year. I can’t even get a good cool rolling down the window.

88 and no clouds in the sky here in Tampa. Some snow would be refreshing.

Here’s a picture of me from last winter -I had just come in from starting and scraping my car before work. Note the frosted glasses, knitted headband, parka, turtleneck sweater under parka (I’m probably wearing a turtleneck shirt under my turtleneck sweater), thick gloves, winter boots, and thick pants (they look thick because of the longjohns I’m wearing under them). Winter can bite my shiny metal ass.

After Hurricane Ike we’ve got all the firewood in the world… and it’s 87 F.

We got a few inches yesterday, and it all froze overnight after the temperature dropped. I decided I’d better put the peonies to bed and maybe wrap up that young weeping birch in burlap before the moose crop it down to a broomstick again.

I shoed manfully through the snow and clipped the peonie stalks, then covered them with mulch for a long winter’s nap. I almost didn’t wrap the little birch, but for some reason thought what the hell, I’m retired and don’t do shit all day, and the Ms. will be happy.

We’ve been having a mouse problem for the past month or so, and I’ve trapped several of the little buggers. I couldn’t figure out what they were living on, since the garbage hasn’t been disturbed, but figured maybe they were ordering in. Well, I found out today. When I pulled out the roll of burlap, some other things fell over and holy shit! Look at all the fookin’ pizza boxes! I mean, sunflower seed shells! My wife had put our bag of chickadee seeds in the garage because of the bear problems in the neighborhood this year and guess what Mr. Mousy and friends have been gorging on…

I shook the seeds off the burlap roll, and Mr. Mousy pops out the other end and makes his break for the other side of the garage. Okay, ya leetle bastid, yer ass is mine! I vacuumed up the huge pile of shells and mouse crap, sprayed the area down with Lysol, put the rest of the bag out on the back porch to wait for garbage day, and set my trapline with peanut butter. Adios, senor rato!

We got mixed snow and rain all day Saturday, but it didn’t really snow except up high. Now the temps have dropped, but it’s supposed to be nice again this week. The see-saw of fall…

Last year.

It was really really nice here this weekend. Fall colours all over, warm temperatures, great weather to go to my friend’s parents for Thanksgiving and their birthday and surprise them with a 42-inch plasma TV as a birthday present. :slight_smile:

They left to go down to the lake, for an hour and a half. We went in, removed their old TV and disc player and sound system, dismantled their old TV stand, shoved everything out onto the porch, assembled the new stand in its place, and set up the new TV, disc player, and sound system. When we came back, everyone gathered in the living room for a photo opportunity, and revealed the surprise. I have never seen my friend’s mom so shocked. :smiley:

There was no snow.