So...apparently I am a big bad hacker...

The scammer isn’t trying to hijack the customer’s computer. He’s trying to hijack the customer’s credit card. But you’re right that the last thing the scammer wants is for the mark to contact his regular computer guy and complain, because the regular guy can talk the mark down and get him to see reason.

That dress is about two or three wardrobe malfunctions waiting to happen.

Is that why? I thought is was to create a genetic double to kill and replace me.

I wouldn’t be so sure that he isn’t trying to do both - charing for spurious and unnecessary remote antivirus work, and leaving trojans on there when he’s done.

I was just trying to create a rumor involving corporations, robots, scammers and witchcraft in hopes that some day I can enjoy seeing Fox News watching Old People repeating it as fact. I would consider that my greatest joy and accomplishment in life. :stuck_out_tongue:

In this I can only ask for every doper’s help. :smiley: I will not rest until I see a FW:FW:FW:FW: email or FB share on the subject of evil corporations using consumer robotics for witchcraft!

I totally believe you and will forward your email to everyone on my facebook list. As soon as I sign up on facebook, that is.

I’m guessing P&G started it. Everyone should have known because of their demonic logo.

Or was it Starbucks? Lots of robots there already, not to mention that people line up to buy over priced burnt coffee? That topless mermaid always looked dodgy to me.

Well that works with just about any kind of case.

Now I want to know how this ended. Any updates, drachillix?

Yes, I am embarrassed to admit that I’d forgotten about it.

He’s being extradited to Bollywood. :smiley:

Never heard from the guy again. In my experience, customers who eventually Learn that the complaint they made was a bucketload of ignorance do not come running back to admit they were wrong. I have had exactly one do so and after spending 20 minutes how he learned what an asshole he had been still wanted a refund because thats normally how such things are handled. Since he had to hire someone far more expensive to show him I was right, that I should be willing to cover that bill :rolleyes:

[bad indian accent] I am sorry for any inconvenience this late reply may have caused you[/accent]

Nothing, customer never called again, nothing ever came of it.

I think the Roomba has finally collected enough hair and fingernail clippings to make a genetic copy of drachillix

And it only took 3 years.