So, are the "Guys Gone Wild" videos aimed at straight girls or gay guys?

I think you’ve got the genders swapped from the original commercial, or possibly there is an Irishman who’s very secure in his masculinity.

Yes, I swapped them purposely to fit the scenario. I miss that old commercial! Not.

I identify as bi (though I’ve only ever dated guys), so maybe I’m a little skewed, but I’d rather se naked chicks than naked guys. Sure, a fit guy is nice to look at, but…meh. And likewise, I’d rather see girl-on-girl than guy-on-guy.

So, in my opinion…gay. Totally gay.

When they were first released the company made a good deal of noise about how they were not going to market to gay men.

Not to mention having the tagline crossed with the tag for Secret anti-perspirant.

Meh, I prefer part six, Clown Edition.

Think of it this way…
Female prostitutes are hired by men.
Male prostitutes are hired by…men.

I’m not saying Gone Wild participants are prostitutes, but the same priciple applies.
The vast majority of porn and the sex industry is aimed at men, be they straight or gay.

Bi girl checking in - and I have a rather low opinion of both the Guys Gone Wild and the Girls Gone Wild videos. It wasn’t attractive to see it happening live in high school, it’s not attractive to watch it on video now. (To me, I mean. There might be some hot babes of both sexes on some of these videos, but it just seems like a lot of attention whores posturing to me. Yawn.)

I know one who does. And she won’t let me borrow them either, tho she had supplied me with tapes of The L Word.

Btw, the only place I’ve seen GUYS GONE WILD advertised was on LOGO
(hey, it sometimes shows cool music concerts!).

Is that the one where they wash-up with Irish Spring at the end?

Gay. So gay. Just like the “Dieux De Stade” calendars and videos. They definitely cater to the guys who like “straight trade”.

Is that like John Dunbar giving his Union coat to Kicking Bird in exchange for the vest?

LOLOLOLOL. Only if they are “doing things” while exchanging the clothes…

Totally gay. To my knowledge, straight guys don’t hang out and get naked together.

“Dude, Where’s My Pants? - Steve & Vinny gallery” and lower down the “Kevin & Matthew gallery”

I’m straight. I don’t care to see guys flexing for the camera or otherwise trying to visually impress chicks.

Heh, the only thing I couldn’t help thinking when I saw the Guys Gone Wild commercial is: “Ugh!! Do gay guys cringe when they see Girls Gone Wild commercials like I’m cringing right now?”

Well I can’t vouch for others, but I certainly do cringe a little.

I cringe when I see both.

Either or. I’m guessing this will be more of a hit at bachelorette parties than for gay men, who (speaking for myself only but I think for more as well) when I’m in the mood for that I go for flat out porn which is about the same price.

The TV show QUEER AS FOLK was marketed to gay men primarily but while it did have a large gay audience the majority of its fans were straight women. They liked it because you got to see attractive guys nekkid in pretty much every episode and it’s soap operatic and light entertainment (easy to watch while cramming for a final or preparing an expense report or whatever without taxing brain power) and of course there are a whole lot more straight women than there are gay guys, so… I think gay guys probably like the hardcore a bit more than the softcore just like straight guys.