So, Ex-Charter Members, who's coming back?

Just saw the announcement of the offer for lapsed Charter Members. So, who’s going to (try to) get the title back?

I just completely missed the deadline for re-upping so I was one of the people who accidentally lost my title. I totally accept that it was my own fault, so I just tutted at myself and let it go. But dammit! I kind of did care! I was surprised, but I did kind of miss it. And now? Second chance baby! Already sent my message, so I’m just waiting and hoping now.

So, fellow lapsers, you going for it or have you decided you’re not bothered?

Course if it turns out this really is an April Fool I’m going to blush and splutter that I wasn’t fooled for a moment.

Nope. My reason for not renewing has not changed.

Well, I was a little sad to lose my status, but I don’t think I’m $30 worth of sad. Even though it would be fun to be able to change my title.

dangermom: You don’t have to be a Charter Member to get a custom title. You just have to subscribe. So it’s between $16 and $23 for the title - $15 for the subscription plus $1 to $8 depending on how long you want the custom title - not $30.

No. The content and level of service here still do not warrant payment.


I never had a problem with paying or anything. I just flaked on the payment once.

Yes. Losing my title was like losing a limb.

[sub](ok it wasn’t. but I still want it back dammit!)[/sub]

Me too. I lost mine when I took a break for a few months, but I found I couldn’t live without the dope. Email already sent. Hope I get it by post 20K.

Same here. I didn’t mean to loose it. Guess I didn’t understand what was going on. Anyway, just look at peoples join dates.

What is the latest date one could have joined and have been a Charter Member?

The reasons I let it slip away (and left for a time) are still perfectly valid.

Sometime in March of 2004, I believe.

I’m gonna take the 30 bucks and have Thai food and Margie’s ice cream tonight instead.

Not me. Actually, I might still be covered under that glitch that makes me a charter member in name only, but not in getting the discount, or post count.

Edit: Yep, I still am.

You people are serious about this?
give your $30 to a real cause.
Says new member BJ

But they warrant you freeloading?

Sorry, the “BJs for new members” program was canceled.

Well, there goes all my leverage for getting my husband to join. Damn.

No. What’s the point?

I [heart] Scumpup and Zsofia, I visit once in a while and most times leave nauseated. :wink: