Some may have heard or read about the current contract negotiations between Boeing and the Machinists Union. Boeing made an offer that most do not like and yesterday was the vote for the contract. Yesterday morning before I could vote (actually before most voted), the union says a federal mediator had extended the current contract 30 days and ordered both sides to Washington DC for more talks. The union and company still want us to vote on the contract though. I had intended to vote yes but because of the situation decided to vote no on the contract.
Now Boeing has decided that negotiations are over, they have extended thier best and final offer and are done talking. So here I sit, 2:30 in the morning unable to sleep, not knowing if I have a job next week. I have been through 2 strikes in my 20 years at Boeing and I really do not like them. In 1989, my mother died 2 days after we went out. In 1995, my wife was was diagnosed with a possibly cancerous growth 2 days before we went out on strike. You have no health insurance when on strike and that could have become a big problem. Thankfully it didn’t, and the growth was not cancerous.
So here I sit in limbo. My wife’s current job ends next week when school starts and I might be out on strike. The economy here in the Seattle area is in the tank at the time and now is not the time to be looking for a temporary job. What makes all this really bizarre is I still have to work today and we are not going to be allowed to work on the airplanes. Better go back to bed and try to get a little more sleep, today is going to be really strange.