So how does the changing of the seasons affect you?

I like the summer - it’s hot and sticky here, and the flowers start smelling really sweet toward the middle of the season. But I sure the hell don’t like sweating through my clothes when some dummy decides that it’d be a great idea to have a networking event outside in 90+ degree weather! My favorite seasons, though, are definitely the transition seasons. I love the smell of fall, and I love that it rains more often. I always want to build up piles of leaves and jump in them, and when I go running I usually deliberately run through the puddles. In spring I feel the same way. I love how the air seems soft, and it starts raining a lot and smells like wet.

But winter? Eh, I could definitely do without it, or at least most of it. Especially toward the end of winter. The beginning is fine because you have Thanksgiving (which I guess is really in fall), then Christmas and New Years to look forward to. Despite all my complaints about them, I love getting together with my whole family. But after that - gray days and bitter cold and snow turned to black slush from churning tires. Yuck!

Well, the biggest “seasonal” change around these parts is that traffic increases with the arrival of the snowbirds. :smiley:

Seriously, even with the hurricane experience this year, I always dread the “colder” weather of January and February. Not cold enough for snow or sleet but not warm enough for the beach either.

I notice that as spring goes into summer I get more migraines. Oddly enough, I don’t get as many as fall goes into winter. I get a bit more as summer goes into fall, though.

I love fall…its a time for picking apples, hiking, and good sleeping weather. Plus, as the sun recededs, you get these excellent vistas…the air is drier, and the shadows sharper. Sometimes fall is warm…I’ve actually gone swimming as late as early November.
The downside is: I hate the long nights of winter…I think I have a touch of SAD as well!

At the end of summer, I always feel bad for the stuff I was going to do, but didn’t. When the days get really short, I get kinda hinky. In early spring, I go into a flurry of activity, until the tree pollen bunts me into the ditch.