So, how's your perimenopause treatment going?

Cause I think I need some. I’ve had relatively-mild PMS for a long time, but it seems to be getting worse each month - oh, how I would love to lash out at people and scream at them and make them cry and grind them under my bootheels. This is NOT ME. This is featherlou’s hormones talking (or lack thereof). I’m almost 41, by the way.

I will be going to my doctor to see about some treatment, but I’m curious if anyone has had any luck with treating my first and foremost symptom, raging bitchitis. I am open to the idea of vitamins or natural supplements as well as prescription hormones or whatever. I already take a B complex vitamin and flax oil every day.

I’m really interested in this, too. I’m 42 and for the last few months I’ve been hostile and bitchy a lot. The cause honestly didn’t dawn on me until the hot flashes started a few weeks ago.

I am currently not ‘treating’ it.
I’m 46, and doing everything I can to not begin the HRT.
That’s my own choice, though. My doctor knows this, and is ok with it.
So, I’m going to do it on my own as long as I can possibly put up with these damned hot flashes.
They are not pleasant to have. They hit me at the most inopportune times. I’m having LOTS of them…several a day.
Sometimes, at night, I wake up (when I can actually sleep, that is) soaked in sweat and hot as hell, and I have to shower and change my jammies, and sometimes change the damn sheets, too.
Other days, nothing. Not a single hot flash to speak of.

This is going to go on for a long time, so I figure I might as well get used to it!
The worst part of it all, is not getting much sleep. I’m not positive, but I’ll bet the menopause has something to do with that.

As for the hostility/anger/mood swings, those aren’t so bad. I can control those.
I cannot control the hot flashes.

I’ll let you know - I saw the doctor today and pick up my prescription tomorrow. Hot flashes, moodiness, bitchiness, insomnia, periods every three weeks with accompanying PMS - I’ve got it all. He told me about the risks of HRT, but since there is no history of breast cancer in my family I’m going to risk it.

My poor husband was complaining about being cold one night when I had the thermostat set on “deep freeze”. I told him he could turn the air conditioner off when he bought me a chest freezer - I can’t sleep in the upright freezer we have now.

I’m trying Lexapro for my mood/anxiety/depression issues. It’s been a week so far and I’m loving it.

For the rest I just have to really watch what I eat, particularly when it comes to sugar. But I don’t have the big hot flashes, not yet anyway.

Doing some research, it looks like I have everything except the hot flashes. Yay me. I noticed yesterday (when I snapped at my innocent husband) that I had been gorging on sugar all day - I think I’m going to have to watch that. Of course, human biology being the perverse bitch that it is, guess what I’m dying for when I’m cranky and out-of-sorts?

I watched a show on menopause, and the lady doing the show mentioned a “dusting of hormones” - just enough to take the edge off, so to speak. I think I’ll talk to my own doctor about something like that. I know that this is hormonal, and it will pass, but when I’m feeling like ripping someone’s face off, I think I could use a little outside help then.

Hey - call me. With the way mine are raging right about now, I’d LOVE a little face-ripping-off!!!

Seriously, I’m not treating it - I’m doing my best to maintain my composure but it’s certainly difficult. And I am staying far away from caffeine. For some reason, when I’m really “out of sorts” (THAT is putting it nicely) it makes everything worse.

Lastly, I stay far away from my family. They appreciate it.

Heh - a 12-step programme for menopause? Raging bitchitis sponsors?

Wait, are you saying that I should be concerned about that sort of thing?

If I’m only 36, and regular as rain, and not having any hot flashes, I *can * continue to assume that I feel that way because I’m surrounded by morons, right?

If that’s your story, stick to it!!! :smiley:

Or you might be driving.

Like fessie, I also have everything but the hot flashes.

Thankfully my raging bitch-itis has subsided somewhat. The first thing I was told to do was to up my B-complex vitamins. They helped take off the edge – not all the time, mind you, but enough so that I wasn’t afraid how my mood would everyone.

For a short time I was on a couple of different SSRIs. They also helped dull the rage. I warily went off them because of too many side effects. The B-complex was a godsend at the time.

I’m on the fence re HRT. I don’t have hot flashes yet, so right now it’s moot.