So I got this phat ass 4ft. bong. . .

At what point are smoking devices deemed drug paraphernalia? What if I wanted to get a 4 footer and puff tobacco out of it on my front porch while the fifty is driving by? (Gross, but lets just say it’s my choice.) Cigar pipes are sold everywhere, and are legal, but if someone wanted to, they could smoke marijuana out of it right? Papers are also sold everywhere but advertised for tobacco products. For some reason, bongs and glass pipes are usually outlawed in most counties (and states?), but could also be used for tobacco as well. What’s the deal?

I can sense the THC eating away at your brain cells from here…

Design and intent are the big factors. In Virginia, to take an example, “drug paraphernalia” means all equipment, products, and materials of any kind which are either designed for use or which are intended for use in planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, harvesting, manufacturing, compounding, converting, producing, processing, preparing, strength testing, analyzing, packaging, repackaging, storing, containing, concealing, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing into the human body marijuana or a controlled substance.

  • Rick

Most “Head Shops” I have been in will kick you out if you ask to see “bongs.” They are advertised as “water pipes,” I presume in order that they will be considered legal, and not paraphernalia. My WAG is that if they’re sold that way, that’s how John Law looks at them.
Of course, if you are sitting on your front porch, puffing away on a bongful of Drum® shag tobaccy, don’t be surprised if the Man comes and checks it out. They’re within their legal rights to do so (probable cause), and won’t be too pleased to find that they’ve been duped.

I live in Virginia. Can’t I use a bong for a hood ornament?

Wouldn’t that qualify as an attractive nuisance?

A four-foot bong? How is anybody supposed to clear that in one toke?

This is the kind of thing that happens when people confuse the sport with the equipment.

They make 8ft’ers too.

I’m just wondering if it would be illegal to use such a device for tobacco products, legal tobacco products. Because like I said earlier, a tobacco pipe can be used for marijuana too. Someone mentioned that I wouldn’t get a pleasant response from the 5 O, okay… but can they do anything like take it away from me or something?

I am not making this up -

Last week my friend was caught in a park smoking herb out of an apple. I’m still not sure how he did it. Not only did he get a citation for having the herb but he also got one for having the paraphenalia - the apple - even though he was taking a bite out of it as the cop walked up.

So I guess in Ohio whatever pot is in = paraphenalia.

lol, that’s what I wondered… and I have seen plans for smoking out of an apple… something about boring a hole in two places, inserting some sort of screeney material on one… etc.

Googling yielded no such bongs… where would I find such a tobacco water pipe online?

Usually they’re custom made. I’m not making this up, i’ve seen them but never used one. I could do a search, but linking or mentioning making one would violate SDMB rules. I’m just looking for legality type things. I understand that using apples would be illegal with use of pot. A coke can could be deemed illegal too, I get that. I’m just wondering could the police do anything for using a bong for tobacco use. And, why are bongs generally not tolerated for sale?

I guess I should clarify… there were 2 hits, but one of them 404ed and the other one’s host didn’t like html linking.

I’ve seen one made out of a Mrs. Butterworth bottle. They called it Mrs. Butterbong.

Also, this reminds me of a drug speech we got in ~8th? grade… the cop brought a huge hookah with him that they confiscated from some people who said they were going to smoke tobacco out of it. From the gist of his story, there was never even any smoking from it, just hinting that they’d be smoking tobacco… I don’t think that’s grounds for confiscation, but they may have been charged with other possession, etc.

:eek: or :smiley: … That’s amazing, and clever. The most creative I’ve ever seen is 2 two liter bottles… like the top cut off of one, bottom of another, taped together to stack on top of each other… It leaked like crazy though.

Look! I have a signature now!

Is it 4:20 yet?

In the 80s we made a bowl out of christmas wrapping rolls that stretched at least 16 feet across my friends attic. We filled up the bowl part with over an ounce of pot, and smoked it between three people over the next hour or so. Ya know, after the third good hit there really wan’t much point in smoking anymore. We ended up with Excedrine sized headaches and a bad case of the munchies.

Hookay. This is a sad-but-true story. My son’s dad died about eight years ago. He knew he was dying and asked a friend to do a Native American service for him (which was really nice, as services go). The boys smoked some sort of ceremonial pipe loaded with tobacco that was a direct descendent of Sitting Bull’s tobacco (so I was told). The guy that did the ceremony gave the pipe to my son. Some time later, my son used the pipe for smoking pot. He got busted and they confiscated the pipe permanently because pot had been smoked in it. A little extreme, don’t you think?

a 16 foot bowl??? :eek:

surely you meant chamber…