So I Guess We Need A MMP

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s been reasonably nice here today, I went out to haul the biiiiiiiig recycling bin back off the pavement earlier and it was quite pleasant out. The weather app says “Clouds suck. At least they aren’t fucking filled with screeching children” and promises me 10C/50F all day and mostly cloudy.

It has been a relatively good news day too - found out today that we our pay rise has been agreed between employer and unions, and there is going to be a bonus as well. As if that wasn’t enough joy for one day, I also managed to book both my covid jabs! First one on Monday, second one in June.

And on that happy note, I am off to do some exercise, go shopping and eat leftover chilli for dinner.

Another Mumper getting warm weather today. It’s suddenly in the mid 50s here in western Mitten State :flushed: and the birds are a-twittering and the snow has melted off except in shady spots & the big icky slush piles from plowing. Even those are dwindling rapidly.

I had a remarkably (for me) productive morning. While the dishes remain unwashed, I did scoop the primary litter box, (finally) put away the clean laundry from, like, a week ago, and (finally) moved a rat group into the clean tub that’s been set up for, oh, at least a week now.
They have TWO litters, clearly different ages but all piled together (fuzzies with baby fur & little fat rolls, and pinkies all delicate and eraser-like) and considering these are from a group I always originally referred to with an f-bomb, they were remarkably calm.
My efforts to improve this unknown little species are paying off!!

I also (finally) tossed Pretzel a meal, as there was clearly an alpha male and a … not so welcomed male.

She always rejects her first meal, but I’m hopeful that since it’s a warm-ish day and some kind of false first spring is upon us, perhaps she’ll go for it anyway.

Gosh, after weeks of double layering and wearing a parka that doubles as a small hut … I don’t know how to dress for today!

OH! And I’ll be inside part of the day, as I had talked to a manager about moving my role today since - standing in a parking lot all day - I have no idea what we carry inside anymore.

Get to wear my comfy shoes today, I do!

Happy dance from Née-brash-kah about the pay raises and scheduled vaccine jabs and digging in the dirt happiness :dancer:t3::man_dancing:t2::dancer:t3::man_dancing:t2::dancer:t3::man_dancing:t2:

Me? Just waiting for two cats to get off my lap so I can stand up and walk out to the kitchen for my second cup of coffee, hoping it will drop kick me into fixing myself some breakfast. Nah, might as well call it lunch. A pokey, lazy day here at Chez Boo. Most are.

Afternoon, all. I’m off to sell another piece, and it’s supposed to get up to 60 over the next couple of days, so the snow will finally melt. My client is hinting at a new project, so yay.

Congrats to all getting the vax! Apparently if I still lived in Noth Cakalacky I’d be eligible since they are giving it to anyone who has smoked at least 100 cigarettes. I’ve quit, but New Yawk is gonna make me wait anyway.

Still have some lovely tomato sauce, so I think it’s another pizza for dinner. Or maybe chicken parm…

Stay safe, everyone!

I have cats, so no candles. Just thinking about it makes me look for the fire extinguisher.

We have been enjoying this show. Alas, we are also all caught up. Have you tried Debris?

Oh gosh, oh golly, you speak truth. I may as well talk to the wall, but some things just have to be said. They’re ignored or argued about dramatically, but they must be said.

I like their socks. I got a bunch for hiking and then started wearing them all the time.

I will think positive and offer congratulations on your new house.

I don’t understand why we do this. When I lived in Europe, I enjoyed not having to bother. Hmmm - I may go back to non-switchy mode.

We’ve got swallows nesting various places hereabouts. They’ll let you know where by executing team bombing runs on the unwary.

D’uh! You already used this month’s luck on the tree! :stuck_out_tongue:

Street vendors or food stalls in Mexico sell a style of taco. The American version goes by “street taco”. A soft, freshly made tortilla, meat carved in front of you, and a selection of additions. Mmmmmm

We didn’t either. I think it depends on the school.

I think I missed an update. Is she ok?

Lessee - life at Chez Sunny. It started raining last night. As has become customary, weather apps told me it was not raining and there was no rain. Today it’s supposed to rain. It might.

My parents are vaccinated. There is no current way to tell California that I am at risk. I am “sure” that they care deeply.

Take care everyone.

A planned shoulder replacement surgery. It will reduce pain and improve ability to do normal activities of daily living. IIRC, Covid delayed and rearranged the scheduling of it.

It’s been a good day. So it turns out I smashed the interview and got to keep my job as well as being given the role I really wanted! Whoop!!!

The sun has been out in London and I sat in the sun at lunch and it actually felt like spring - I went to the local park and there were some great dogs on show. I used to look at girls but I increasingly have been looking at dogs. I think I’m getting broody. My body wanted the sex and now it thinks I’m beyond that and onto the babies (and has substituted in dogs which is fine by me).

And finally it’s always a good day when I get a big food delivery in. Gonna whip up a stir fry and scoff down a bit chocolate cheesecake for desert. Yeah!

Great news!

Mostly because she fell on it. But she’d already had the other shoulder replaced, so obviously all her parts are out of warranty and failing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Taking a break after an hour of yard work. I took up the edging around the bed that will become my veggie bed, then dug up and transplanted a metric buttload of liriope. I raked and pruned the bed in front of FCD’s shop - quite a few tulips have broken ground there already! And when I rolled the cart of leaves to dump them in the woods, I came across a chunk of branch embedded in the ground near Roxy’s swingset. It was partially buried in leaves and potentially very painful for, well, anyone. So I managed to dislodge it and toss it out of harm’s way.

I’ve got a big glass of ice water, I’ve opened the house, and I’m going to chill for a bit. It’s nearly 70° here! I know it won’t last yet, but for the rest of the week, I’ll enjoy it.

WOOHOO Evil_Spaceman!! (Spacewoman?? - how wrong of me to assume…) Many congrats and much flung confetti! And I agree there comes a time that dogs are definitely preferable to babies. Well, except for my granddaughter - she’s preferable to everything. Unless she’s crabby - then she can go home!

I need to think about something for supper - we may just graze. In fact, I think that’s the answer. Decision made. :smiley:

Great news on the job.

I find that nowadays I notice the dogs first, but I still look at the girls (also), but with more of an artistic eye than a lustful one.
Frankly, it’s a relief.


OK, here’s what happened. Our accountant had a bag of washable, white cloth face masks. He only needed 10 of them for himself, so he brought the rest into the orifice. I’m only guessing, but I think it must have been a 100-mask package. A cow-orker wanted a mask today, but the receptionist had hidden them in a drawer so she had to ask for one.

It seems that Friday (I was telecommuting that day) another cow-orker, whom I’ll call Big O, brought one of these masks he had been using to the receptionist and asked her if she’s washing them. The receptionist told him no, he has to wash them himself. He said, ‘Oh, I’ll just throw them away then.’

On how many levels is this wrong?

  • That Big O thought the receptionist would be responsible for washing masks?

  • That upon learning he had to wash his own masks, that Big O’s solution was to throw the mask away and get a new washable mask?

Or most of all…

  • That Big O thought anyone would want to wear a mask someone else had used, even if it had been washed?

So the masks are secured and you have to ask for them. Big-O has been banned (by the receptionist) from getting a new (cloth) mask.


Just me, wandering in for a bit. Not sure which has been worse - the original malady, or its treatments. :nauseated_face:

I think I did about 2 hours of yard work today - raked and dumped 5 carts full of leaves, pruned, weeded, transplanted, and managed to cut my left hand thru my glove - no clue how that happened.

Tomorrow, I’ll finish raking the beds in the back yard, and I’ll measure for my veggie bed. I’ve got a bunch of iris to move, and I think I know where I want to put them. But I fear moving them now means no blooms this year. Oh well…

I’m feeling a wee bit achy - maybe I’ll have some tylenol. I ate assorted leftovers - FCD didn’t want anything. The house is closed up again, and I’m about to assume the recline position. All in all, a productive day.

We had a portable gas fire in our flat in Scotland. The cat, of course, preferred to lie on the floor right in front of it, and we were occasionally assailed by the scent of singed cat fur.

Howdy Y’all! I did get gas today, but no mowage ensued. One must pace oneself after all! Sup got cooked and et, The kitchen got cleanded up. That’s all the activity we need for the day. Time to chillax.

MOOOOOM yay for FCD jabs!

Evil Space Person we need to work on this, congrats on keepin’ your job and gettin’ the role you wanted. Also, hope everything works out for your new property acquisition.

VanGo congrats on the sale and hope the potential customer comes through.

{{{gotti}}} hope you feel better soonest.

I like to look at doggies too. I don’t look at women. Men, however…

Good deed for the day: we ran into a neighbor out walking. During our chat she mentioned that she needs cataract surgery and was stressed out about it. We soothed her fears (we’ve both had the surgery) and she seemed very relieved that it is not normally a big deal.

Tonight’s dinner: marinated lamb chops, and some orzo and carrots on the side.

Sounds like soccer is coming along metal mouse. My graduating class (~500+ kids) had 7 sets of twins. Most were of the fraternal boy / girl variety, so not many tricks were played.

nellie, most of the nuns who taught me had a designated desk tidying time set aside every day. I still keep a relatively tidy desk at irk and the desks in my studio tend to be somewhat organized as well.

Congrats on keeping your job evil space person!

About 1:15 this afternoon, my manager came around and told us that we were being dismissed at 1:45 this afternoon. Someone on our end of the building tested positive for Covid and had been there in the past 72 hours. The hazmat cleaning guys were to come in. Second shift on that end of the building was called off for the evening.

I was eating supper this evening when there was a knock on the door. I put on a mask (yes, I keep one by the door) and answered it. It was a neighbor that I knew by sight who wanted to use my phone to call her boyfriend. WTF? Had it been an emergency, I would have called for help for her, but damn! Your unmasked self isn’t touching something that I hold next to my face, not to mention who the hell wants strangers using their personal electronic devices? And I don’t want someone I don’t know to keep calling my number. There are enough of those already.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Ugh. Got a migraine today. When the worst of the pain faded, I went for a long walk, thinking the fresh air would help. It didn’t, but I got to see ducks and gulls and crocuses and daffodils, so there’s that. Now I’m home, and so are the vestiges of the migraine. C’est la vie. I didn’t sleep well lasts night, often a warning sign I’m getting a migraine, but hopefully I will tonight and feel great tomorrow.

One dream from last night was that Paint-Charge and Sunny_Daze became good friends, so we started calling them Saint_Charge and Punny_Daze, which my not-so-clever subconscious thought was akin to “Bennifer.” Can I trade in one slightly used subconscious, only driven by a little old lady to church on Sundays?

Red, I wish the nuns at my school had thought of having a weekly desk-cleaning time. So smart! What did you tell your neighbor? And why was she asking in the first place?

Me, too! :slight_smile:

Flyboy, the answer is “All the levels.” He’s an idiot. I admit I was a little thrown by the nickname you gave him. IME, “Big O” means something a lot more fun than this guy.

Gotti, you still getting the IV antibiotics? Update, please, when you can.

Moooom, I love how you get so much done every day. You go, girl.

MetalMouse, you’re sweet. Today I talked with a friend who’s getting the vaccine tomorrow and who got scared by an anti-vaxxer friend (“The government is hiding the fact that the vaccine kills people!”) and my brother, who wanted a recap and to discuss yesterday’s conversations.

Fiendish_Astronaut, do you have a nickname? I want to call you Moon Unit, but that doesn’t quite make sense, so I’m sure that’s not it. Anyway, congrats and also whew!

No, I was released from hospital after a week, on Saturday. Oral vanco and augmentin now have me feeling puny. Who am I kidding, I feel like crap. At least I don’t have the parade of nurses, CNA/PCAs, doctors, surgeons, hospitalists, and students coming through at all hours of day and night.

So glad you’re home, even though it sounds like the cure is…well, not worse than the disease but zero fun. Hang in there.

One small plus: sandwich place near Hades Annex had some dine-in, so got to be away from HA for lunch.

Several minuses, of varying sizes:

Rainy, windy, cold, some reported lightning

It is a sorry day indeed when the callers are averaging significantly smarter than the co-irkers blithely transferring calls to totally inappropriate queues.

MIL passed on this morning. We’d had at least a couple of weeks’ notice this was coming. DH says he’s holding up OK. With COVID travel complications, we probably will not make the trip to her city of residence, since the likelihood of a funeral gathering is low.