So I have been offered a new job...

Help me decide what to do. I am currently in favor of taking it. I have a few weeks to decide but want to have my options laid open upon me. The position I was in before this one in my company was forced upon me because no one else wanted it and was a pretty horrid experience.

I am undecided if I should take it or not though. It is a lateral move within my company so pay, benefits, etc will all be the same. It will have essentially the same promotional potential. I will have a different boss. I like my current boss and I also like the person whom I will be working for. For the record, I have worked for the second person in question before too and even though he could use some polish around the edges, he is a good guy and fun to work with.

Here are the Pro’s and Con’s:


  1. It will be something I like a bit more. I know the job very well. It has its routine moments but it is something I enjoyed.
  2. I won’t have to work next to my catty, vulturous coworker. (He watches me like a hawk to make sure I get in on time… and is known to backstab, repeatedly.)
  3. It will involve travel around the country (including Hawaii and Puerto Rico possibly).
  4. It is a chance to get out of this position which I feel is stifling currently. In other words I am burned out in my current position.
  5. I don’t have to deal with the public and can dress casually every day (jeans and t-shirt even).


  1. It changes the boss over my boss to someone I don’t really get along with. Instead of the one woman I generally report to infrequently who is ok, it will be another woman who is almost like the annoying coworker from number 2 above.
  2. Travel is ok, and I am not sure how much I will be travelling but if it is too much then it gets to be a major drag.
  3. I’ll have to deal with the public more which means I may have to wear shirts and ties again.

I’m a little confused, #5 under Pro’s and #3 under Con’s. 5 is about your current position and 3 is the one you were offered?

Change is Good!

Whoops. That’s right VenusProbe. I was thinking about pro’s in my current position. I don’t have to wear business dress currently but in the new position I may have to. It isn’t something I really mind but I am more comfortable casually dressed.

Take the new job.

I have been thinking about this all last night. It still sounds like a good offer but my current job is pretty comfortable. So here is a friendly Bump.