So I have prostate cancer

It’s probably sage advice for us all, to enjoy life more while we can. I’m glad to hear that the news so far is good.

Did you head over to Santa Cruz? I left Morgan Hill, moved to Oregon, and now we’re in Antioch. The beach sounds better. :stuck_out_tongue:

nvm - zombie thread

Hi, Sunny. I left Gilroy and moved to Aptos. It’s quite nice over here, I’m < 5 minutes from the cement ship / SS Palo Alto, I walk out on the pier several times a week. I love it. In Gilroy my view was of my neighbor’s house, now I’m up on a hill with a view of nothing but treetops.

Just to update the thread: I’m 3 years post surgery this week, and my cancer is undetectable. :crossed_fingers: :clinking_glasses:

Happy dance at your news :man_dancing:t2::dancer:t3: :tada::champagne::clinking_glasses::confetti_ball:

Thank you :blush:

Great news!

Thank you for the update! Happy news! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley:

My older brother was similarly diagnosed some years ago, and underwent surgery about twelve years ago. He’s just fine today (well, except for being an obnoxious old fart).

Yee-haw! Happy cancer-free anniversary!

I didn’t know we were brothers (I’ll be twelve years clear next month, and I am definitely an OOF).

Anyway, mad props for squeegee.

This was quite the roller coaster as I started at the beginning and it took me a few posts to figure out this thread is old.

Hooray for the good news!

Good news!

OP, how are your bodily functions now?

That’s awesome, squeegee! I’m very happy for you.

Great news squeegee!

ED is much better but it depends on the day; some days I’m like a horny teenager, other days I just ain’t. I’ve gotten quite good at clenching up when I sneeze or whatever and don’t leak urine (it took years to get truly good at this), but if I get a coughing fit, something sudden and uncontrollable, I may get a small amount of leakage which is frustrating as hell. But I’ll take that to just after surgery: completely impotent and wearing a diaper, so horrid. Life is better now and I’ve even dated, just before covid.

That’s great news! Yeah, I know you’re not what you were originally born with, but you’re ALIVE.

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I just got back blood work that says my cancer may have returned.

Very sorry to hear that squeegee