So I just noticed the Beginers Guide to the SDMB. (Nitpick)

Overall it’s pretty cool.

The only thing that annoyed me was was the Hi Opal part. C. K. negleted to mention this has become quite trite to say the least and even Opalcat herself has mentioned it’s become tiresome. (I think, don’t quote me on that.)

Now, I’n not saying we should ban the use of the term. It’s just that I think most newbies might like to know this tid-bit of information before starting out here on this board.

Or at least I know I would.

So, to summarise, that’s;


Speaking of Opal, where is she lately?

Could we please put a moratorium on the “Hi, Opal” thing?

It’s way past being even moderately amusing, and the tools still using it mostly use it wrong. OpalCat decided that lists had to have at least three entries (which is dumb), so people with only two items started adding “Hi, Opal” to make the (dumb) minimum requirement. Then complete fools started inserting “Hi, Opal” into the third slot of any list regardless of size, totally ignoring the original (dumb) complaint.

Just stop it, you morons.

You’re right, this is really nitpicky. :slight_smile:


Could we please put a moratorium on the “criticizing things that don’t affect you in the least” thing?

It’s way past being even moderately amusing, and the tools still using it mostly use it wrong. Some people decided that Clichés are annoying (which is dumb), so people with only two items started adding “SnakeBear” to make the (dumb) minimum requirement. Then complete fools started inserting themselves into fanfiction, totally ignoring the original (dumb) complaint, and ignoring the fact that many didn’t find the concept so dumb, after all.

Just stop it, you morons. Oh, and stop claiming everything iss “dumb”, or “stupid”.

But really, I can understand anger against using a <blinking text> blinking text tag</blinking text>,(Not that it exists) but that would actually involve movement. Otherwise, all the text is quite static, and you can skip past it if you like, with ourt it being the least bit distracting.

Since when has that ever stopped us? :wink: :dubious:

I haven’t even seen anyone use “Hi, Opal” in quite a while.

Some people don’t even need three items. ‘Sup, Opal, darlin’?

Hardly anyone ever remembers the very infrequently used:

  1. Something.
  2. Something else.
    2.71828…) Hi Una!

Somewhere in there – buried deep, no doubt – is a joke about pi.

But why are you associated with e?

I’ve actually used that one, once. (I don’t recall the year, and I can’t seem to search for it, but it wasn’t 1960. And the post took less than 20 minutes to compose.)

Of course, even more infrequently used is

0.0072974…) Hi, Chronos!

I think that’s pretty much what the Beginner’s Guide to SDMB terminology said.

The purpose of that guide is so that newcomers, whether reading current threads or old threads, will have clues to comprehension. I have taken the above points under advisement… although the original wording did say, “cliché.” However, I’ve emphasized that with a parenthetical remark.

Because e is cooler by far than pi. There, I said it.

They’re even cooler together: pie!!!111!!ELEVEN

Actually, I believe the coolest number possible (and the tastiest!) is π[sup]t[/sup]

(think about it for a while…)

If I’d bothered to read the Beginner’s Guide I might not have posted anything in here. It’s still really annoying.
