So, I saw my first dildo...(I would say TMI, but on this board, its not even close)

Not just the parents. My school, as part of Sex Ed, showed that Magic Johnson video that came out in the not too distant past. One of the scenes was the old banana condom deal. Not terribly graphic. One of the girls a grade ahead of me completely freaked out and said that she and her parents were going to sue the school because of the emotional trauma it caused her. The prevailing wisdom around the student body was: it was latex and a piece of fruit–on a video tape. How traumatized could she have possibly been? We all thought she was a bit of a wimp. Upshot: She didn’t have to take any more Sex Ed classes (as she was a junior, this wasn’t a big deal) and we all had to have our parents sign a LOT more permission slips.

Too bad I don’t work for the adult store anymore or I’d take you on a “tour”. OMG, to never have seen either a condom or a dildo before? I’m shocked and stunned but then again, I’m a tart. You must have lived on a mountain your whole life or you must be religious, and I’m kidding (wink wink).

There are dildos of every shape, size, and color out there. They are normal, they are extreme… but they all serve a purpose. Enjoy yourself because life’s too short.

I must admit, I’d seen condoms rather early in life (around 11 or 12) and understood it’s use but didn’t see my first dildo until grade 10 sex ed (15-ish?) I didn’t think about the size issue though because at first I thought it was just for demostrative purposes. Then I saw my first BBS porn (back when the internet was all dial up on 9600 baud modems) and had to ask some experienced lady friends what they thought about “size” on a guy.

And the grade 10 lession stayed with me right up until I first started having sex (at 23). It at least let me relax and not panic about how to put on a condom (since my GF was also a virgin and didn’t know anything about condoms).

You guys never played with a condom as teens!?
ohhhh, you missed on some very funny stuff. You know, blowing it like a balloon, having some stupid dare and wearing it on your head… Alright, it was funny when I was about 15, and my guy friends were doing those stuff ! Damn, we were bored…

First time I saw a condom was in sex ed class at 16. They pulled out these huge wooden phallases, that were probably carved in woodwork classes as a sick joke, so we could practice putting them on. At least they were well sanded and varnished…err…umm…yeah. We guys put on our :dubious: faces, but secretly :eek:.

Oh, and last year I saw the most enormous double headed dong (buying an inflable sheep with friends in a sex shop for a friend’s brother’s 21st, don’t ask). I swear you could club someone to death with it.

Oh, dear. If you’re ever in Montreal, visit the basement of Priape. I’m talking longer than your arm. I shit you not.

Or you could always visit www DOT priape DOT com, and look through the dildo and buttplug pages.

There is a market for items of that size.

I saw my first dildo washed up on shore at Lake Erie.

Most of my education was at public schools in Texas. Sex? What’s that? No, dear, we’ll tell you all about your period, except for the parts about it being messy and icky and how to deal with pads and tampons and all. Sex, just don’t do it. Don’t even think about it. It’s bad. :rolleyes:

Tenth grade health class was pretty amusing, what with all of us girls knowing all about our periods. We needed birth control information, but I don’t remember anything beyond use a condom if you must, with no information about how but don’t have sex yet. Really. Don’t. The demonstration I saw was in California the next year.

I was a late bloomer because of a lack of opportunity, not because I thought sex was a Bad Thing. :rolleyes:

Future-ex wife used to work in a porn shop. It was a very nice one, as such things go, trying to scoop the couples market. They had the videos and the toy garden. I was always amazed at how many nifty toys they had that were smaller than me.

Condomwise I saw my first one when I bought it and tried it on, just in case I would have to do that soon with someone watching.

I’ve since learned how to put one on with my mouth, which seems to impress people far more than the amount of work that’s involved in learning how to do it merits.

Well, okay, it would be that impressive if I was putting it on me…


I think I saw my first comdom, used, in a book in the library. Not the kind of thing you want to find in a book I can tell you. I probably didn’t see my first dildo til I went to a sex shop at the age of 20.

We also got the freshman thing in college except they used a bananna. I also dated a woman who did those demonstrations and once showed me that she could put a condom on with her mouth. :smiley: I always wondered what happened to her. I’m wondering if Tortuga saw her at school.

Ever hear the one about the anatomy teacher at a girls’ academy?

TEACHER: Ms. Jones, which part of the body can expand to six times its normal size, and under what conditions?

MS. JONES: Why, what an inappropriate question! I’m not answering that!

TEACHER: All right, then. . . Ms. Smith, which part of the body can expand to six times its normal size, and under what conditions?

MS. SMITH: The pupil of the eye, in dim light.

TEACHER: Thank you. And as for you, Ms. Jones. . . One: you haven’t done your reading. Two: you have a dirty mind. And three: one of these days, you’re in for a dreadful disappointment.

Are you suggesting that dildos are migratory?

"If you want to strap on a dildo and you don’t want it to look like a penis, that’s okay, because lesbians make dildos in a variety of shapes and sizes, don’t we women?! Go down to Good Vibrations, get a dildo in the shape of a cucumber! That’s a good idea! How much does a good silicone latex dildo cost? $75, $80? HOW MUCH DOES A CUCUMBER COST! 10 FUCKING CENTS! Go down to the Safeway, buy yourself a fucking cucumber! Just don’t, you know, peel it first. Or it’ll go THWP right out of the hands. So you can get the cucumber, the beaver with a tongue that goes like thith… or the luscious lavender dildo in the shape of a dolphin. Ooh, that’s a sexy thing to put on! Now I’m looking hot! Comere baby, I got a beaver tongue for you!

One of the kids in my art class was filling condoms with water and throwing them at people today. One of the condoms was red, white, and green, like the Italian flag. I think that if I was with a guy wearing that, proud of his heritage, I might be laughing too hard to do anything.

Sorry, my quotation was from Lea Delaria.

This would be a great opening line for a book.

FTR, I saw my first vibrator ( up close) at a sex toy party last year.

Maaaan, that thing with all it’s knobbies and moving balls is more frightening and has more torque than my heavy duty rototiller (which is not used for sex, but does produce orgasmic results in other ways:) ) I suppose it is about the size of an ICBM.

…im 18 and still havent technically seen a condom or a dildo (excluding when i watch the Sex shows on TLC and the History channel)

is this supposed to be bad or something?