So, I saw my first dildo...(I would say TMI, but on this board, its not even close)

I’m in my freshman year here at Drexel and we have a mandatory University 101 class for an hour every week. This week we had a guest speaker from the Action AIDS group.

The presentation seemed pretty normal, getting information, answering questions about how HIV is transferred, and then, when I thought she was finished, she reaches into her bag and pulls out this orange dildo.

I…umm…really wasn’t expecting having to see one of those. She then demonstrated how to apply a condom (also the first time I’ve ever seen one of those :o :frowning: ). No one would volunteer to put it on because it was a class of guys.

Please tell me that those dildos are not made to…umm…scale. Cuz if so, damn, I need some of those growth enhancers or something.:frowning:

I can pretty confidently state that dildos are generally made to be, erm, “generous” in size.

For my sexuality class in college, the TA brought some zucchini of a more “typical” size for the demonstration models. We all had to pair up and take turns applying a condom properly. She also emphasized that one should treat the zucchini with a similar level of gentleness as one might use for a penis - and mentioned that in a previous semester, one woman was tugging at the base of the condom to make it fit better and there was a very loud snap heard. The condom was intact, but the men in the room were cringing.

Congratulations! Sounds like a fun class. Too bad she didn’t demonstrate how to apply the dildo.
And I would guess that if there had been girls in the class, then most would have been reluctant to volunteer to dress the dildo in front of the class. Then again, I’d be first in line to ask out the girl who did volunteer. :wink:

You’re in University and have never seen a plastic dink or a condom before???

Just how young are you Soapbox Monkey?
If your 14-15 then what a cute story.
If your > 18 then :eek: to not seeing a condom before.

Most sex toys are exagerated in one way or another, and don’t even think about vibrators that will crawl allong the ground if you let them.

I don’t have a penis, but Ferret Herder’s post makes me cringe.

I don’t think I saw a condom in person before I was seventeen when the school had a speaker who did a demonstration with a condom and a banana, and I didn’t actually handle any until I first had sex at 25. I don’t think that’s all that uncommon, Bippy.

Note whiterabbit I would be shocked if someone older than 18 had never seen a condom before. I expect many don’t actually handel one till they first have sex, but to not have seen one before 18 strikes me as a dangerous lack of sexual education.

Maybe I should have clarified. It was the first time I’ve ever seen one out of the wrapper.

Oh, and NoGoodNamesLeft, for the answer to your question, simply do a search on my username to see just how much of an inexperienced socially challenged loser I am. :slight_smile:

Well, Bippy, prepare to be shocked - I don’t think I saw a condom till I was over 30. Of course, the fact that I wasn’t sexually active till I got married at 29 might have a little to do with that.

I was easily 18 before I saw one at all, 19 before I saw one out of the packaging.

I was sheltered, painfully shy and I went to Catholic school for k-12. Not surprising that I hadn’t seen one.

Are but in the old days only Sailors would have known about condoms :wink:

Wow. I saw my first condom at 14. I must be a ho!

Seriously, our health class did “Put the condom on the banana” in freshman year of high school, but it depends on the school and the area. Some parents would rather their children didn’t ever know sex exists. And I’m assuming a Catholic school (or perhaps another religious school) would not go the birth control route at all. Maybe Soapbox Monkey’s school was a little less liberal than mine, but it’s certainly not his fault.

Well, when I was 14 we put together a basket of phallic fruits, veggies and sausage for a friend – it was the most inapropraite and embarssing prank gift we could think of – and lined the basket with condoms. Of course they came out of the packages outof sheer curiosity.

Oh and BTW, our male friend didn’t know what to do with the pornographic zucchinis (that had brussels spouts appropriately toothpicked to their bases like happy green boy-bops), so he stuck the basket in the fridge. In the morning he was mortified to come downstairs and see his dad eating the sausage.

I’m thinking my high school should have been much more liberal, seeing as how during my senior year, there were a total of 76 pregnant students enrolled there.

Isn’t it funny how that works? I knew one girl in high school who’se mother didn’t let her take the sex ed courses. She was pregant in grade 10, and AFAIK, never went back to school. Another person I met last year was VERY adamant about abstinence, and not wanting sex ed to be taught to - get this - the daughter she gave birth to when she was in grade 9.

Sure, these are isolated cases, and I don’t want to generalise people who went to private/religious schools, but the few teen pregnancies I know any details about occured with people who were very ignorant of what sex is, and the consequences. Doesn’t that alone suggest that TEACHING them about sex might be worthwhile?

Our sex ed teacher in grade 8 was VERY open and honest about how things worked - down to explaining (much to our embarrassment at the time) just how painful it could be for a woman her first time. She demonstrated the use of condoms, and diaphragms, and even spermicide, using a clear plastic model of a vagina and penis. Her spermicide demonstration usually included her showing us that it wasn’t anything to be afraid of by using it on her hands like a lotion. That was weird, but so much more worthwhile in the long run than being told “don’t think about it, abstain, wait til you’re older.”

Even though I wasn’t sexually active until quite a few years later, at least I already had enough knowledge to know what my options were when it came to safe sex and contraception.

I was in the same building with a class on sex education recently. Actually, it was a “teach the teacher” type of class. They had a number of dildoes on display on a table. I would say that those things are going to create a LOT of unrealistic expectations!

Oh yeah, my Grandma showed me a condom, explained its purpose, and told me what to ask for and where to buy such things when I was 12.

Going back to the OP, Soapbox Monkey, no they are NOT made to conform to the actual mean size of the population. Heck, if the purpose was a class demonstration, I would not be surprised if it were chosen bigger for visibility purposes.
Realize also that on a device of this nature, a certain additional length is required, by which segment the person using it may hold the dildo (or secure it to the proper straps). Otherwise you’d risk shoving it all the way in, and it getting stuck, and this you’d be making the ER nightshift crew’s day.

As to not seeing a condom outside the packet until you’re of college age, what’s the shock? (a) it IS possible to be learn about this w/o a hands-on demonstration and (b) it’s not like your Driver’s License, there is no Bureau of Sex that issues you some on your 16th Birthday if you’ve passed the course :wink:

Generally speaking, the Sisters are not going to stand in front of the class and roll condoms onto bananas. I did see one do an interesting mouth/condom thing once, but I was in a BDSM club and I have a hunch that she wasn’t a real nun.


Originally posted by look!ninjas
… I’m assuming a Catholic school (or perhaps another religious school) would not go the birth control route at all.

Generally speaking, the Sisters are not going to stand in front of the class and roll condoms onto bananas. I did see one do an interesting mouth/condom thing once, but I was in a BDSM club and I have a hunch that she wasn’t a real nun.

I am pretty sure the first time I saw a condom was at a lecture given to the whole student body of Santa Catalina High School, a private all-girl Catholic school in Monterey. I was a freshman, and so must have been around thirteen. It wasn’t one of the Sisters who gave the talk, but a woman with long blonde hair and black leather pants. She put the condom over her head and blew it up into a large latex balloon, saying, “Remember this if he tells you it’s too tight, and that’s why he won’t wear it.” That might be why the demonstrator in the lecture the OP mentions decided to use such an outsize instrument of love. So wiser girls could smirk and say, “Trust me, teeny peeny, it’ll fit.” Whereafter the condom-hating organ would shrivel even more, rendering it a moot point, and abstinence would reign. Or something like that.

I think I was about 10 when I first saw a condom. My school brought in a nurse to give an introductory sex-ed talk and she passed an unwrapped condom around so that kids could get a close look at one and hopefully not feel the need to pick up used ones off the ground out of curiousity.