The title pretty much sums up the spirit of this thread nicely, but I wouldn’t be a Doper if I didn’t explain every little detail.
I’ll be graduating either at the end of this Spring or the end of next Fall. The difference being that right now I have two majors (history and poli sci) and if I change that to a major and minor (poli sci and history, respectively), I’ll graduate in Spring. Frankly, I’m not sure if I should just do the extra quarter and finish up history (something my father thinks would be the dumbest decision ever)or if two BA degrees really aren’t that important in the grand scheme of things. Frankly, I keep hearing mixed things about both ideas, so I’ve got a lot of thinking to do. If you’ve got some advice in this regard, I’m more than happy to listen!
That’s neither here nor there though, as what really matters is what I’m going to do once I graduate. Eventually, I would like to get an MA and possibly a PhD, but I’m beginning to think that it might be good for me to spend a year or two working. I’d love to move, as I’ve got nothing really tying me down. I would also LOVE to travel, as that’s something I’ve always wanted to do, but the opportunity hasn’t really ever come up.
More than anything, the thought of doing the same mundane job every day, maybe in an office or in a cube, not making any positive difference in my life or the world really brings me down. Frankly, I can’t think of a worse way to spend my life.
I’m babbling again. Anywho, with a little research, I’ve realized that teaching English in a foreign country might be just what I’m looking for.
Ideally, I’d like to make enough money that I could afford to stash some money away in a savings while still traveling around wherever I’m at. Most of the jobs I’m checking out seem to include accommodations, which would be very nice.
The point of this thread is to ask if you all have any experience in this area. Do you have any recommendations for places to get the certification (TOEFL test)? Should I get a placement company or just apply directly to the jobs? What should I expect? Any recommended companies to work with?
For what it’s worth, I think I’d like to either work in Europe (anywhere, really, but Italy would be nice) or Egypt (somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit).
If you guys have any other recommendations for what I should do with my life, I’m more than happy to entertain ideas. Frankly, at this point? I’ll go with pretty much anything you suggest.