I haven’t seen any threads on it and I was wondering if anyone on the SDMB was watching. So are any of you watching and if you are what do you think of it. If you haven’t seen the show and would like some info on it you can go to its offical site here: Taken
I gave up the third night.
I’m watching it. The first couple of nights were tedious, but it’s kind of interesting now. I may only be watching it because it’s on four times a night and I miss the X-Files, though.
I’m horror-stricken than the person who played Sam is only 19. First the boy who plays Wood in the Harry Potter movies, now this one…I’m so ashamed.
Hey he’s legal.
Anyways yea it was kinda boring the first few nights but now its seemed to get really interesting. One of the things that keeps me interested is the fact the aliens don’t come out and say what exactly their motives are. Sure you get speculation from characters but the aliens never validate that speculation or disprove it. So they question of friend or foe goes unanswered…for now.
I have been given to understand that situation continues to the end.
There was thread a while back when it first started.
I didn’t like the first episode that much, fell asleep during the last 1/2 hour. It was a really slow start if you ask me. I didn’t watch it the rest of the week.
I saw it was on Sunday, so I watched what I missed and the rest of the marathon as well, so now I’m all caught up.
As creepy as they are I like the way the government investigators honed their craft by making little discovery after little discovery over time.
I don’t really like the way the investigation’s been handed down through the Crawford family, though. I was going to say how unrealistic that would be, but then that would be kind of silly given the whole premise of the show.
Overall, an above average series, but a little on the shaggy dog story side.
I don’t know why, but I have taped the entire 20 hours…as a matter of fact, the last episode is cranking away on my vcr as I type this. I saw the first two episodes already and, although it isn’t X-Files, it is mildly entertaining…we’ll see if I actually get around to watching them all. I have this habit of taping long mini-series and watching them months or years later when there is absolutely nothing else on tv.