So sick of the reluctant hero trope...

It was both. The original movie, Point Blank, had Lee Marvin in the lead role.

Oh, and Westlake write a whole series of excellent Parker novels. Well worth your time.

That is tiresome and another one is when there is a group of people ( good guys or bad ), there has to be one black guy and another has to be a hot woman that can kick any three guys asses. She usually dresses in black leather.
You can have six bad guys with machine guns shooting at the good guy and they all miss.
The leader of the bad guys has to survive so he can fight ( usually a fistfight ) it out with the good guy.

… but he’ll end up impaled on a jagged metal pole.

Naaah, you just need to give 'em a black trenchcoat. Works like a charm.

(Un)dead mom, murdered wife and kids.

I’m okay with Mighty Bob being a Reluctant Hero. I don’t have any preconceived notions about Mighty Bob.

For Green Lantern to be a self centered jerk, for the Lone Ranger to be an incompetent led around by a crazy man, and for the Green Hornet to be a complete idiot backed up by his irritable and supercompetent sidekick…