So tell me has anyone here personally experienced the "treason and tyranny" of the biden admin and if so how?

All I hear from my relatives and their endless hours of Facebook circle jerks is the corrupt Biden administration is nothing but …tyranny and treason … and trump is anointed by god to save us and possibly the world

But for all this hyperbole has anyone actually been affected by any of this and needs to be saved ?

Just askin’…

I suppose if you own part of these 13 million acres in Alaska that will be restricted from drilling, you might be a victim of tyranny.

Of course, that was part of a controversial plan that tyrannized environmentalists by allowing millions more acres to be drilled. Guess there’s just no pleasing some people.

Excellent question. For me, the “corrupt” part is especially baseless. Sure, maybe here and there, as always (in any government, anywhere, any time)…but specifically something special about this administration? People who claim this are never specific. Or, the “best” they can come up with is “Hunter yadda yadda.” has a lot of social science experience with measuring corruption worldwide 9useful for comparing countries, and observing large-scale trends). Note that the US ranking – 69 (better than most of Latin America and Africa, worse than northwestern Europe) – didn’t change in recent years. (I realize that “US overall” does not equate to “Biden administration”…and this index measures perceptions, which don’t perfectly equate to actual prevalence…but at least I’m trying to use some FACTS.)

Anyway, it fits right in with the “my business is doing great, everyone I know is doing well in their job, my stock portfolio is great, and come to think of it, prices have leveled off…but the economy is TERRIBLE! Everyone is hurting hugely!”

Oh, and “crime is terrible! Scary brown people speaking weird languages are on a shooting rampage everywhere! I don’t know of any incident myself, but trust me…it’s terrible!”

Since the OP is asking for personal anecdotes, inflation’s hit me pretty hard. Right now, adjusted for inflation, I’m earning the lowest pay I’ve ever earned at a salaried job since 2011. Buying a car - even a secondhand one - might consume all my bank savings. If it weren’t for parental help, I’d be deep in debt at the moment. Owning a house is totally out of the question for the foreseeable future. But that’s not “treason or tyranny.”

Yeah, I’ve wondered this as well. I shared in another thread how I assumed the rancor would die down after Biden was elected and they saw that the dystopian nightmare they were warned of didn’t happen. Life is pretty much as it was before.

Nope. Turns out the warnings were right. We are in the midst of our country being turned into a woke dictatorship. The America we once loved is being destroyed and true Americans no longer have any rights. It’s fascinating and terrifying.

ISTM that it’s largely supported by wedge issues, mostly phantom ones, that have very little real impact on most people’s lives. Border security is a HUGE issue here—in suburban Philadelphia. I’ll bet most people around here have never set eyes on an undocumented migrant.

LGBTQ rights, gender-affirming care for minors, drag queen reading hours, CRT, transgender people preying on kids and women in restrooms, Mexican gang members pouring over the border with drugs and an intent to rape our women, etc.—all of it evidence that our country is now a hellscape. That most people would be unaware of such things if someone didn’t “educate” them doesn’t matter. The fact that this parade of horribles has had zero direct impact on their lives (mainly by virtue of its nonexistence) doesn’t seem to matter. We have lost our country and if we don’t take it back now, all is lost!

I guess they can sense this evil in the Force, because there certainly isn’t any evidence of it in their lives.

I think that for some who are invested in the “treason and tyranny” narrative, if they can’t really define any clear treason or tyranny, that only makes them angrier. They want to be right, they will insist they are right, they will find an issue that proves they are right. If it’s a whack-a-doodle issue like potential overregulation of kitchen stoves, that’s proof enough! They were right!

After re-reading my reply, it wasn’t really responsive to the OP, so withdrawn to avoid a tangent.

For treason I think that most right wingers point to Biden’s “open border” policy that is allowing an invading foreign army to come waltz right in an occupy us.

As for tryanny they point to the Covid shutdowns, and mask and vaccine mandates. Some CTs I’ve heard claim that the goal “COVID hoax” was to get people used to giving up their rights to the govenment so that when the real tyrantical dictatorship comes we will all be conditioned to do as we are told and offer no resistance.

Obviously this is all bullshit, but its what all of the far right media heads are spouting.

And neither is it the Biden administration. There was a lot of government money printed and spent to relieve people from economic results of Covid. If the Federal Reserve had not raised interest rates after that, inflation would probably be much worse, from the effect of all that extra cash floating around. The Fed, by the way, is just about as independent a federal agency as is possible to get. So if you want to blame Biden for inflation, bear in mind that the spending started under Trump, and in both administrations was supported by bills written in Congress. And then consider how many people you know who benefited from those payments, and how many would have potentially gone under without them.

As the head of the Biden Crime Family he stole mah 2020 election. Mike Lindell has the evidence to prove it, he’s going to show it to the world someday soon, just you wait.

I think this is a big one.

If you listen to Donald Trump and the right wing media, Trump won the 2020 election. But Biden and his Deep State allies committed massive voter fraud and treasonously stole the election. Brave men and women tried to do the right thing on January 6 but tyrannical cops stopped them.

I’m looking into opening a small business, and have been told that as a white guy with no disabilities, I’m eligible for far fewer grants than women or people of color.


(Of course, this was true under Trump, too, but … tyranny!)

And when you point out that the shutdowns and mandates began in 2020 under the Trump administration, they respond… ?

Every action of the government represents a loss of personal freedom. That’s not a Biden-specific issue, but as he’s the authoritarian idiot in charge, he gets the blame. When the orange-haired idiot wins again, he’s going to get the blame. Nothing improves, and everything only ever gets worse.

Yeah, that’s the most specific thing they cite. Not based on personal experience, mind you. Just what they see and hear in right wing media. It’d probably be their reason for saying that Biden’s America is “lawless”.

Am I being whooshed or are you presenting this as a genuine argument?

Because if it’s a genuine argument, I’ll point out it’s libertarian nonsense. Let’s say you work for a large company and the boss decides he’s a big Taylor Swift fan. So he orders all of his employees to join the Taylor Swift fan club and but all of Taylor Swift’s albums. Anyone who refuses is fired.

That’s a loss of personal freedom.

But the government steps in and tells the boss he can’t dictate how his employees spend their money.

That would be a government action that’s restoring a personal freedom.

…that it is a God Damn Lie!!!

Yeah, it’s funny because I just saw an old high school “friend” on Facebook raving about this very same Biden “treason and tyranny”.

And of course I constantly hear similar nonsense from my elderly simpleton inlaws who never leave home and watch Fox News constantly.

I’ve just come to the conclusion that a lot of people are just out of their fucking minds.

I have also come to believe that because so much of how people experience the world these days is online through social media, they tend to get triggered by “personally experiences” that have nothing to do with them.

One of my favorite Blue Oyster Cult songs!

I had to order Insulin online yesterday.

Not blaming Biden or tyranny. But it wasn’t any cheaper. Shipping just eats up any savings.
Can’t get it anywhere close around here. It’s scarce.

Thank goodness I have insurance.