So that happened... Whedon's “history of creating toxic and hostile work environments”

Whedon’s ex-wife alleged that he used his power and celebrity to take advantage of young women. Has anyone stepped forward to share an experience about that?

Thank you for the clarification. May I suggest when you apply a note to a thread for everyone to adhere to, not to reply to me via my post and just add it to thread as your own reply.


Um. yeah. Totally misogyn

@What_Exit you really pick the weirdest participants to single out. @TimothyNewsome seems like the most aggressive about the #metoo diatribe.

Thank you for saying that.

(Seems appropriate for the thread).

TWO blowjobs…which is it? Is she a strong independent woman with agency or did he hypnotize her into having sexual relations with him twice?

Yall ned to take this shit to the Pit.

No surprise Hollywood is a left wing dominated industry and we all know what kind of dirt bags liberals are. Look at the sexual predator/thief at the White House and his son the crook.

Michelle Trachtenberg has kind of hinted at it (my emphasis).

He’s not allowed in a room alone with Michelle again

This post is both a violation of mod instructions and also deliberately inflammatory, aka trolling. Please drop the topic. And this IS an official warning.

Dollhouse is incredibly creepy. I watched the first couple of episodes, because I liked a lot of his other stuff. And I couldn’t watch more. And honestly, I’ve wonder if he was a creep ever since watching those Dollhouse episodes.

This post is excessively aggressive for Cafe Society. Trolly. It would be okay in the Pit, but it’s not okay here. Because the conversation was heated, and this was posted before the mod instruction to drop the hijack (which was the heated part) this is only a mod note, not a warning. But please try to be aware of what forum you are in, and tone it down going forward.

Whedon’s actions towards women are jail worthy. I’m not sure of the limits here, but anyone who does that to young women is just sc-m.


I am very sad that now there will never be anyone to write other stories that would/could have happened in the Firefly/Serenity universe, but maybe that’s just me being selfish.

No movie or series is worth being created on the back of sexual assaults or rape.

It should be noted that she was 15 at the time.

It changes entirely after a couple of episodes, and is in many ways a warning about the advance of technologies that could make such creepiness a reality.

Black Mirror is pretty creepy, do you feel the same way about that show’s creators?

I do believe in a unidirectional seperation of art and artist. What an artist does in real life may very well color my perceptions of their work. I can never enjoy Bill Cosby’s stand-up again, for instance. However, what an artist creates doesn’t color my perception of who they are, or of their other works.

That, and no sequel to Dr. Horrible.

Off Topic post, please don't reply. WE?

All of them? Would article below change your opinion as to whether or not Al Franken should be included on that list?

The Case of Al Franken | The New Yorker

Modnote: One more time and for all. STAY ON TOPIC please. Al Franken’s case can be made elsewhere if you like.

I’m collapsing your post.

I didn’t watch it, because the reviews suggested it would be creepy. So i have no opinion.

But there’s creepy and creepy. Dollhouse was a giant, extended rape fantasy. Maybe the dolls eventually escaped their condition. But it wasn’t something i wanted to watch.

Are we talking about his behavior towards Charisma Carpenter or something else?

Michelle Trachtenberg has Tweeted that, when she was fourteen, the set had to institute a rule that Whedon wasn’t allowed to be in a room alone with her.

Okay, maybe that might be jail-worthy? I would want some more specific knowledge before reaching that conclusion. Not all detestable behavior is necessarily subject to punishment by imprisonment.