So the whole MSG thing was racist hysteria?

Oh, hell, Yet Another Thread of the Monosodium Glutamate cult worship crowd. We’ve done this to death already. (This is the same link again that @ParallelLines posted a few posts above.)

That thread is “Ignorance Fighting” at its worst, a shameful miasma of non-infomation (not necessarily mis-information) for such a forum as The Straight Dope Message Board.

The gist of the MSG cult apologetics in that thread were along the lines that modest doses of MSG haven’t been shown to bother anybody, therefore anybody who claims to be bothered by massive doses of MSG must be imagining or mis-attributing it; that Chinese restaurants aren’t likely to be using massive doses in their food, therefore anyone who got sick at certain Chinese restaurants 50 years ago must be wrong, etc. etc.

The whole thread was full of fallacious arguments defending MSG – Not that this proved anything one way or the other, but the utterly vacuous argumentation there was a travesty of what The SDMB is supposed to be about.

Example: I wrote:

To which Chronos replied with this non-sequiter piled upon a non-sequiter:

Here, the first sentence is a total non-sequiter after what I wrote, and the second sentence of the second paragraph is just total speculation with no evidence given (which was repeated by other posters in the thread too). The whole thread was full of stuff like that, as is much of the present thread as well, for that matter.

See Post #35 in that thread for further elaboration.