So this is what happened to Coldfire recently.

Amsterdam, Netherlands (Reuters):

A drunk Dutchman lost part of his nose after trying to
rub noses with a pitbull terrier, the Dutch ANP news
agency reported on Wednesday.

The 43-year-old man was staggering through a crowded
Amsterdam market when he saw the dog. He walked toward
the animal, bent over and stuck his nose in the dog’s

The dog reacted immediately and took a bite out of the
man’s nose. The unidentified victim was taken to a

Sounds like Coldfire should stop posting drunk now. :wink: How are you doing after surgery that nose surgery? hehehehe You don’t remember it happening to you? You must really be drunk then.

Luv ya, mean it.

Strangely enough, that’s not the first body part of Coldfire’s I would have thought an animal would bite off.

43!! He looks so much younger in his picture. :slight_smile:

Rachelle, I thought that too but then I remembered that he is living off the blood of virgins in Amsterdam. Yes, both of them. :wink: heheheh
