So, what about that third Star Wars trilogy?


It’s a fair cop.


Hear, hear. I was quite disappointed to find out that the Empire barely even got off the ground, ultimately. In the original trilogy, the Empire seemed to be this monolithic, nearly invincible thing, which had been around for a long, long time–after all, the Old Republic seemed to be just a distant memory. And then it turns out that the Empire had only just organized itself before these punks came and knocked it back over. Quite disappointing.

If I recall my Roman history correctly, the Roman senate survived throughout the entire Imperial period, from the days of Augustus on–the Wikipedia article puts its last recorded acts at around 600 CE. The same could’ve been true of the Galactic Senate–kept around to act as a rubber stamp for the Emperor and offer a veneer of legitimacy.


Thing is, Jedis seriously rock. It’s really too bad Eps. I-III had to suck so very slurpily hard, because many of the fight scenes were freaking spectacular. I remember, when Darth Maul got bisected, I was sitting there thinking “Whah? Hey! Don’t kill him! That double lightsabre thing is cool! Aw nuts!” I could watch those guys jumping around, force-whompin’ and hacking stuff up all day.

So just take the idea…take it right out of Lucas’ hands so he can’t ruin it anymore, pay him all the royalties he wants to stay the fuck away, and have some Dark Side cult start taking over the Galaxy again. The Neo-Jedi must outwit and outfight them, and look way cool all the while. Have it take place waaaay in the future. The events of the first six eps. are like stories we hear about Roman conquests. Maybe there’s been some cataclysm, knocking much of humanity back into the stone age, and Force lore is re-discovered by both those who wish to use the Light and Dark sides. Some big frickin’ Manichaean struggle and ensue, with those on both sides grappling with the whole force dualism thing, changing sides, vying for supremacy within their camps and against the other. Etc. No, not that original in overall concept, but the details could feel very fresh in the right hands.

I don’t think a movie focusing on the internal politics of the New Republic would work so well. Then you end up having a movie that starts with a crawl saying something esoteric like “The taxation of trade routes is in dispute” and we all know you’d never do something like that, right? Right? :wink:

Still, the point Fish makes throws a wrench into our mistaken (but really cool :cool: ) reasonings.

That was in reply to Lemur, btw.

Look at the monkey! Look at the monkey!
;j <---------- Chewbacca going to Temple.

Agreed. It would end up looking like the Phantom Menace spoof in that Simpsons eoisode.

Shut up, Dooku! Your role ended in Revenge of the Sith! :smiley:

:eek: I hope not! So far, SW does not have a good track record on TV!

Or, it could focus on a young Sifo Dyas, his rise to a Jedi, then the next one could focus on his turning into Dooku, and then…and then…<sigh>.

Eh, we coulda gotten a least another 10 years out of the empire.
Obi-Wan was played by a 63 year old man- and in my estimation he was portrayed as a good ten years older.

But let’s say 63.
63 minus 20 we get 43.

Sith has a 34 year old actor playing Obiwan. For Menace he was 28, but I really think the character was supposed to be about 20.
There’s about 10 to 15 years between Menace and Sith, so if we are supposed to beilieve that the character is 43 in Sith, that would mean he was, at youngest, 28 in Menace- which I just don’t buy, not a 28 year old padawan.

Even disregarding what the actor looks like, given the continuity between Menace and Sith, we’ve got a mid-30’s Obi-Wan in Sith and 20 years later we’ve got a mid-60’s Obi-Wan in A New Hope.

So that gives us 30 years however there’s no way Luke and Leia are a day over 20 in A New Hope.

Given the age of Luke and Leia, it can only have been 20 years since the rise of the Empire. But when No Clue Boy and I first saw the 1977 film we did not know that Vader was Luke’s father (making a possible unfounded assumption about No Clue Boy). So, all we knew was the Empire came to power during Obi-Wan’s lifetime- which could have been much farther back than 20 years ago (considering that Obi-Wan appeared to be so old in A New Hope).

The confusion comes in because Lucas cast an actor who was way too old to play Obi-Wan in the first film.

P.S. Is it difficult for anyone else to accept a mid-40’s Darth Vader??? I definitley always thought of him as being much older- even when I was young enough to think 40 was old! Sebastian Shaw was almost EIGHTY when he played Anakin in Jedi!

Yeah, I saw it Star Wars before it even had episode numbers. And as I explained, we were already used to sci-fi empires often being extremely old. So it wasn’t a huge lack of logic to assume things about the Empire based on the original movie, esp if one assumes that some statements made by certain characters may be stretching the truth for unknown motives.

Still, we were obviously reading in something that wasn’t quite there. What Lucas may have originally intended, who knows? And I don’t trust anything he has to say after the fact.

Also, isn’t there a planned SW series already in negotiations? Seems like I read something about a guaranteed 100 episode run or something? More delusions?


Yeah, but he was playing a version that had taken a lava bath and then spent almost 25 years in a cybernetic life support suit. That’s bound to add a year or two to your skin.

But it’s all about Young Luke. They’re still dodging the question of what happens to the galaxy after the Emperor and Vader die.

“Because at Vader Sassoon, if you don’t look good, you choke us to death.”

I read an interview with Lucas, around the time the digitally-altered version of the original trilogy was making the rounds in the theaters, where he said that back in the day he had just liked the idea of a trilogy of trilogies. While the prequel trilogy was always in his mind, the follow-up trilogy was something he never had any ideas for (like he had all that many for the prequel?!?) and he was not going to make it.

You mean we’re going to get a series of Luke’s 20 years on a Tatooine moisture farm? “Little House in a Galaxy Far, Far Away”? That’s a series?

Which is going to be a terminal yawner. Who cares what happened during that time? Watching Luke grow up is going to be pointless…you know nothing happened to him, ever. It couldn’t have, for him to be the innocent he was at the start of Episode IV. Even the adventures of the droids would be silly. Nope, this idea is going to bomb mightily.

Like Luke did womprats.
Well, if it’s only focus is Luke as a boy, yeah, it’ll suck Hutts. But think of what else is going on in that galaxy during that time! Better than watching Germany in the 1920s!