So what have you had stolen from you?

Victims of crime unite to detail your losses to the lowlifes and crack addicted who feel free to supplement their cash position by stealing your stuff.

Most expensive: Car Stereo (it was removable, and someone removed it for me). Berkeley California.

Weirdest: Dirty underwear (my laundry bag, in the Navy was stolen- and the dang dirty drawers had my name stenciled in them). On a ship- U.S.N.

So do tell how you have supported the criminal underworld with your possessions.

  1. When I was 8 years old my “Banana Splits” (from the TV show) lunchbox was stolen from my mothers’ car. I still think about it. :frowning:

  2. When I was 17 my 10-speed bike was stolen from in front of the high school while I was inside taking a final exam. :mad:

  3. My heart has been “stolen” too many times to count. :wink:

I think I’ve posted this here somewhere, but I think it’s pretty odd, so what the hell.

(setup–One of my roommates was pretty bad about hanging out with the local hood rat kids. All that hero-worship made him feel important, I believe. Anyway, I’ve always just figured one of them was the thief, but still…)

The roster of missing items included:
A leather dog leash
A large metal washbucket
A pregnancy test
A bottle of vodka
A vibrator[/ul]

I must admit, finding all that stuff gone absolutely ruined my plans for the evening. :smiley:


Lots of stuff, headlined by three (3) cars; one of them insured for theft. A 1981 Chevy Monte Carlo, 1965 Ford Falcon convertible and (sniff) a partly restored primo 1955 Buick Special.

A car in the late 70s

Got burgled twice in one week: First day - an expensive leather jacket, a six-pack of Harley Davidson Beer, a change bucket containing $250, a gold necklace worth $400, and (shudder!) a gun.

Second day: ALL MY FRIGGIN’ CDs.

In the mid-80s, I reached into my lingerie drawer and found that it was ALL GONE! I was very freaked out, wondering if there was a dangerous pervert/slasher running amok in my neighborhood. Turns out my roommate’s 5-year-old was the culprit. When asked why he did it…he said, “because they’re pretty.”

A friend of ours just got burgled the other day and they took his guns and some change.

Back when I lived in the big city, my house was broken into twice in 6 months. Total count, 4 pistols, several cameras/camcorder, jewelry, money, the usual smash and grab stuff. All of it could be replaced, but one item. My Grandmother had given me her high school graduation ring from way back, and that was irreplaceable. Fuckwads.

My husband’s knife collection was also taken in the burglary. One of the knives was his Marine issue knife from Vietnam, which his father had chromed for him. Irreplaceable. That and a knife given to him by his deceased brother. Fuckers.

I have had a lot of stuff stolen too. None of this stuff was stolen at the same time except the stereo equipment, coins and clothes.

2 vehicles: A 1960 4X4 International Scout, 1971 Chevy van
Stereo Equipment
Car stereo
Records (Before tapes and CDs)
3 Coin collections
Clothes (slcks, jackets, shirts and shoes)
Tools (2 power saws, 1/2" drill motor)
Spare change and pocket calculater from my desk at work
3 Persian carpets from Iran
Set of crystal glasses from Germany
Hand made dinnerware from Thailand
3 natural star sapphires from Sri Lanka
2 fishing poles, with reels
Hand made elephant hide suitcase from Thailand

And this still really pisses me off: In 1985, some rotten MFs cut the freakin’ lock off my gate and stole “Lucy”, my 6mo. old beagle puppy.

Ahhh…1992 was a red letter year for me.

My boyfriend and I broke up, so I moved into an apartment by myself. Soon after, a load of laundry was stolen from the apartment laundry room. Then one of my scooters was taken. Then another load. I had enough of that, so I moved to a new place with a roommate. The roommate was nuts, so I made plans to move out. The week before I did, our place was broken into and all of my mother’s jewelry she had handed down to me was stolen. All the way from a very expensive diamond and sapphire ring down to her high school class ring. Plus they took my other motor scooter.

Cried, ranted and wailed, moved into my new place. One month later…

My entire apartment’s worth of stuff. Clothes, pots and pans, money, all of my memorabilia like pictures, videotapes, knick-knacks…they even took my bed. My grandmother’s china. All of my cds. They took the CLOCK OFF OF MY WALL!

This was all in one year. About nine months, actually.

A couple of years ago I had my Jeep Cherokee Sport and my trust fund stolen in the same month. One by punks, the other by my father, who pretty much still qaulifies as a punk.

Needless to say, I try to not get too attached to stuff anymore.

Besides parking spaces, the things I have had stolen from me are;

  • a watch, given to me for my birthday, from my locker in high school.
  • a cordless drill, taken from my kitchen as I slept in the next room. I heard a noise in my kitchen, waking me up. Upon investigating and finding no one, I went back to sleep. I didn’t realise until the next morning, when I went to complete my little project, that the noise I heard was the the battery pack falling off the drill as they reached in the door to take it.
  • a pair of black leather gloves, taken from my car while parked at work, night shift. Losing the gloves was no big deal, but having them break the frickin driver side window was infuriating. Driving home on a cold Minnesota January night, with no window, and no gloves, is not my idea of a good time.

The bastages!

several events, nothing really major–

I’ve had three bikes stolen over the years. I finally (after the second one) wisened up and got renter’s insurance, so it was easier to replace the third bike;

someone broke into my townhouse apartment one day, busted right through the locked door, and took a nice jam box, an anorak, and about $40 in rolled change I happened to have left on the table;

lots of books and tapes over the years, mostly, I think, accidental thieving by friends who forgot they ‘borrowed’;

a car stereo;

a nice backpack;

my virginity :smiley:

…it’s just the fact that these items were stolen which makes my reply to the OP significant…

  1. My 21 speed bicycle (this was 12 years ago)
  2. Some CD’s of very sentimental value (ditto)
  3. Part of my coin collection (same)
  4. Oakley sunglasses (same time frame, only my Camaro’s car window was broken to get at them)

All these thefts were committed by my son, it was discovered by the cops.

Other than that, the occasional theft of food from my work break-room fridge is about it.


My house was burglared twice last year.

My brothers and I lost about five guitars and basses between us. They stole my graphing calculator. They took my Spinal Tap lighter. They took a CD case that had a couple CD’s worth of MP3’s, rough cuts of songs that I had recorded, the source code to my fractal program, and countless Dreamcast games.

My parents lost jewelry, guns, and antique knives with hand carved handles (work done by my American Indian great-grandfather.)

Strangest of all, I found that they had thrown all of my Weird Al CD’s in the garbage…why?

The funniest thing was that my computer was all unhooked and disheveled. I suppose they tried to pick it up, and the innards fell out because I don’t keep screws in my computer, and they got scared and just grabbed my Intellimouse Explorer and left.

I guess I’m over it now, but man we lost so much stuff.

My 8-year-old’s bicycle just got stolen last week, goddamnit. And the deductible on our renter’s insurance is equal to what we paid for the bike. Poor baby cried his eyes out over it.

I’ve also had a Weber kettle grill stolen. My family has a record of having Webers stolen – four including mine. For some reason, they’re a hot commodity in Chicago. I get the giggles, though, imagining a gang of thugs rolling a big red kettle grill down the alley.

I was mugged about three years ago, right after a shopping spree. They got a pair of sandals, a pair of sunglasses, a nightgown, a gift for a friend, and probably a few other things that I don’t remember. The only thing they didn’t get was an anklet that I put on right after I purchased. My friend had almost all her stuff taken too, the only thing she was able to hang onto was a T-shirt. Not exactly valuable stuff, but stolen nonetheless. So we walked away with an anklet, a T-shirt and a black eye. Bitches!

I’m lucky. I’ve only had one thing stolen from me, but it was rather odd. In high school I placed my combination lock on top of my locker and bent down to grab my books from my book bag and when I stood back up…no more lock. What they’d do with a combination lock they don’t have to combination to I don’t know, but they took it.

purse with very little in it
car stereo
$17 dollars
really nice hole puncher (It wasn’t mine, so I had to replace a $50.00 hole puncher that didn’t even belong to me.)

Not much, really.
From my old apartment building: Clothes out of the dryer. I even ran into the girl that stole them in the hall one day. I realized she was wearing my shirt, and she took off and ran away. I knew exactly who did it, but I can’t remember why the cops didn’t do anything.

From my car, unlocked, in my condo’s parking lot: 1 pair Oakley sunglasses.

From the place I used to board my horse: 1 fairly cheap bridle, and my really nice, expensive, padded leather with elastic at both ends english girth.

Most expensive: my entire purse, with all of my back-to-school shopping money in it, along with family photos, identification cards, my driving permit, and various other sentimental objects.

Weirdest: one of the three strands of mardi gras beads that hung from my rear-view mirror, and a section of plastic that went around the base of my steering wheel. The stereo and a collection of CDs were left untouched.

Had my truck stolen 4 weeks ago. Got it back in 4 days but it still pisses me off. And the creep that did it is still on the streets.

Had the tailgate stolen of my 69 Dodge truck while it was parked in front of a wrecking yard. The guy then tried to sell it back to me. He wasn’t too bright.

While I was in boot camp for the U.S. Navy, my brother hocked anything of value I owned. A year later while he was in boot camp, I gave everything he owned to the Goodwill. Revenge was sweet.