So what shortages are you personally seeing?

I can tell y’all right now that cat food (both dry kibble & canned) is weird. Wal-Mart usually has some of both, but it’s disconcerting to walk into Meijer (the “better” store) and see an entire aisle of barren shelves where the canned cat food normally goes.

Speaking of Wal-Mart, today they were entirely out of gallon drinking water. They only had the little “I hate the environment” bottles, and gallons of distilled water (great for humidifiers and CPAPs, not so tasty for drinking.)

I live in Michigan (motto: “Land of Questionable Municipal Pipes”) and have seen the interior of the pipes to my current rental house thanks to some unrelated plumbing issues, so … yeah, imma buy my drinking water, kthxbye.

After muttering into my mask (“Fine! But this mother-earth-loving hippie doesn’t hafta LIKE it”) I gave up and got the damn individual bottles.