So, what were my fellow Dopers doing when they heard The News (regarding FBI Search of Mar-A-Lago)?

Well, he really does believe that he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and not even be arrested for it.

He’s never suffered a true consequence for anything.

I hates him, I does.

I gave a factual answer to a question, as did most people. No commentary on its importance. To me, it was just a joke about the anniversary of Nixon’s resignation.

I doubt that classified files are the smoking gun that will finally get Trump. If I had to point to something that came out yesterday, it would be the Toilet Papers.

Whenever you can visually link a toilet with a guilty politician you have something far more memorable than any number of secrets, no matter how damning.

I was reading the Dope on my tablet and noticed the current events thread about it. First I’d heard of it. This was a few hours ago, so 10am-ish on Tue.

Where was I you ask? Sitting under a palm tree on a beach in the Caribbean.

He even got away with this.

I think I’d seen maybe one meme or celebratory comment in my FB feed, then my dad phoned to tell me to turn on Rachel Maddow because it was some great television.

I hope you won’t think that I’m threadshitting, but I honestly don’t remember. At home, probably. So much stuff has gone down with Trump in the last several years that it wasn’t particularly memorable to me.

Now I can tell you exactly where I was when I heard about the insurrection on January 6, and how I got so angry at it that I took it out on a writing partner and lost a “job” in cyberspace.

Getting caught up on the Trump Schadenfreuda thread in the pit.

I work from home now. But I cruise the dope while code runs (as I’m doing now)

No, that’s not TSing at all. It didn’t make as big an impression on you as it did on me, that’s all.

It was the line under a David Pakman thumbnail. Me: “no way!” Turn to Huffpo and “woo hoo!”

I was in a texting free-for-all with friends, trying to set up going out. It was kind of chaotic when someone dropped “FBI raiding Mar A Lago!” and no one could find it on news sites. Suddenly it popped up on CNN.

I hope it leads to world-changing consequences, so where we were when we heard means something.