So, What's IN My Lava Lamp?

A departing coworker willed me her purple Lava Lamp, which is now plugged in and blooping away at my desk, holding me transfixed, as any bright shiny object does.

What is Lava Lamp goop? Is it oil and water, not mixing? Is it suspended in plain water, or is something added to that as well?

For shame, Eve, not checking with Cecil first!

It is the sperm from a One Horned One Eyed Flying Purple People Eater.

Collecting it is not a job that is high on my list of what I want to do when I grow up.

According to the official Lava Lamp web site, “a little of this and a little of that.”


The HowStuffWorks web site, has a bit more information.

The Master speaks

Thanks all—especially Cecil! I love the name “Craven Walker”—can’t you just see him, skulking around, peering out from behind the lapels of his trench coat?

Craven is a likely a family name used as a first name. My own last name is evidently derived from the same family name, and it is the name of a district in North Yorkshire. There is also a village in South Shropshire named Craven Arms. Finally, Craven Cottage is the stadium of the Fulham football club (soccer team) in London.

is that you wes?* :wink:

Ooooh Wook! A Wava Wamp!

(just in case you were going through Pwincess Pwecious withdrawals…You can thank me later.)
