So what's the problem with "Well, actually..." ?

I’m going to guess the 3rd definition of shitlord is what is being referred to.

I do know that “kek” is transliterated “lol” from the Horde (bad guys) from World of Warcraft. I assume it got popularized similarly to “lulz”. How any particular group glommed on to it, I don’t know.

I disagree with this. Mansplaining does not have to be done by an inexperienced and uninformed person. Instead what rankles is the assumption that the woman receiving the mansplanation is herself inexperienced and uninformed, only because she is a woman. This works for a variety of 'splainers including ones who are themselves knowledgeable and experienced.

Depends on context. Next.

It’s a subdivision of the “Yeah, but” defense.

Did you kill your wife?
Yeah, but she was cheating on me.

Did you kill your wife?
Well, actually, I was asleep and two guys walked into the open front window, went upstairs and id it. I didn’t hear a thing until they were leaving.