Hey Brits, do you still say "how do you do?"

Just a quick poll. Sounds about a century out of date to me, but I want to check with you guys before I say so.

My grandfather still says it - he’s 88.

I very occasionally say it (I’m a 30something), either ironically, or in extremely formal settings, while shaking hands.

I still say it. “Pleased to meet you” is probably more common, but is frowned upon in certain circles.

I’ve never said it and don’t know anyone who does.

I say it regularly, as do many of the people I see on a daily basis. Quite contemporary and useful. Of course, I’m not a Brit.

I’m not a Brit either, but I say it all of the time, or at least as often as I say “Pleased to meet you”. Most often I will use the abbreviated “howdy” or even “How do?”

I some times say “how are you?” but never HDYD.

It’s useful in a formal situation, or if addressing an older person.

As a teacher, I try to keep up to date with the language of teenagers. Currently I use ‘How’s it hanging, dude?’ quite a lot.

Yeah, I’m going to try that out at my first meeting Monday.

Count me as one who says it.

I should point out that in the old-fashioned usage it’s usually pronounced to “howdjedo”.

I honestly can’t recall ever uisng it. Of course, I’m very non-U, you know …

LMAO! “How’s it hanging, dude?” The only place I’ve heard that is on America tv shows! I didn’t realise some people actually use that expression.

I heard it used in a movie a few days ago and have been consciously trying to use it since then. I think it sounds cool.