I’m headed to Ft. Lauderdale on business the end of April. I’ll be arriving Thursday, April 27 and leaving Sunday, April 30. I’ll have my evenings and nights free. I’m going out with a friend one of those nights (probably Friday), but I haven’t a clue as to what to do Thursday night or Saturday night.
I’m not too familiar with the area and I like to have fun, so any suggestions would be welcomed, whether they be to check out the local gay leather bar or join a cult.
We mostly go to the beach and get drunk, though not at the same time lest you get arrested. King Tut museum exhibit is in town, and drag queen shows are a local specialty we share with Miami. Some good strip joints but it’s been about a year since I went to one, so I can’t really be sure anymore. I’ve heard there’s trips out to Stiltsville for tourists but I don’t know where you’d hook up for one.
We have alot of gay clubs but some might not react well to a female presence, some of the clubs are semi or fully private. If you want I can ask around and find which ones are civilian-safe. If you’re the club type, you should make the trip to South Beach. Everyone’s crazy for BED but I went when it opened and we ended up in a bed with a totally random couple. Take three others if you go, I mean they were nice but it was weird getting crumbs all over myself with totally random people.
We’re not exactly a cultural mecca beyond drinking and dancing.
Oh, wait. If you’ve got a group hit Taverna Opa in Hollywood. Don’t wear heels and get the…the thing with the big vodka in the middle and the assortment of fruit juices to mix it? I forget. That’ll send you home with some bruises and good stories, anyway. If you’re with guys tell them not to grab the bellydancers.
That’s just it; I’ll be by myself. I’m a friendly sort with a cute smile, so I have no problems meeting people. I just need to know where to go to meet them!
Thanks for the post. I’ll look up some of the places you mentioned.