So what's up with these 'Proud Boys', anyway?

We’ll see. I may be wrong but I think everyone has underestimated the extent to which he is internalizing this. Religious “prophets” do the same thing, even as they are fleecing their flock. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Of course, there are other religious leaders that are totally aware that they are running a con.
We’ll see in two weeks, I guess.

I’m always skimming through the hard right media sites, especially when something crazy is going on. Frankly, it’s pretty scary - if these are the only places you get your news you would be absolutely convinced that Trump was right.
God knows what’s going on over in Parler and WeMe and all these new alt-right universe apps. I just hope the FBI is monitoring that stuff,…

When I first saw the name WeMe I parsed it as WeWe, which seemed oddly appropriate considering the disturbing nexus between Trump and pee. First some Russian hookers might have wet his bed just so he could show Obama who was boss. Then someone peed on someone onstage in a nightclub somewhere for Trump.
Then there was the whole Pee Vitamin thing. It is a sad commentary on the state of our educational system that every American does not know about Trump pee vitamins. It used to be that you could send Trump a bottle of piss and $140.00 bucks and he’d send you a bottle of vitamins. For $100 more, you could send him another bottle of piss six months later just to be sure he was sending you the right color vitamin. This was, of course, technically legal, largely due to Republicans deciding that it was a free market violation to impose any regulations whatsoever on vitamins.

Sorry for the hijack, I have to keep laughing.

Thank you, Senator Hatch.

You don’t need to thank him. He made plenty off the ‘supplement’ industry

I still disagree but for a reason that is no better - he thinks there is cheating going on but is upset that his own people couldn’t cheat better than his opponents rather than upset that cheating is going on at all.

It’s like his golf. His rationalization for the ludicrous amount of cheating he does is that other people do it and so should he. Unfortunately, he thinks he’s actually good at cheating, when he’s not. Like many aspects of his life, people let him get away with it because that’s often easier than calling him on it. So he’s been conditioned his entire life to thinking cheating is common, that it’s the only way to win, and also to believe he is skilled at it.

But Presidential elections are a different kettle of fish altogether. People are significantly less willing (though still somewhat willing) to indulge his whims when the stakes aren’t a few bucks on a golf score but the fundamental underpinnings of our democratic system.

Oh, I know. That was sarcasm. (If you recognized that and I didn’t recognize yours, my apologies…)

A group of Proud Boys showed up in Staten Island in support of a bar owner who was arrested and his bar shut down for failure to comply with lockdown regulations. Apparently Blue Lives only Matter when people of color are protesting.

Cyndi Lauper had a song about that.

Blue lives also don’t matter when you are driving your car through them:

The bar owner in question drove through the police when they showed up to arrest him on charges of being a douchebag in the first degree.

I’m sure the Proud Boys are extra proud right now.

Well, hell, now they’re gonna have to find somewhere else to hold the putsch.

At today’s march, the Proud Boys were wearing color coordinated yellow and black kilts. The manufacturer said that they asked him for a group discount because they were in a band. The manufacturer has said that he’s donating the money to the NAACP.

Well the Proud Boys are giving money to the NAACP, maybe they’re doing some good after all.

Wait a minute, I thought conservatives were all opposed and outraged about skirts on men? Especially yellow ones?

Ah, the traditional tartan of Clan MacDouche.

Trumpites are spontaneously turning into Scotsmen?!

Well, not actual Scotsmen…

Certainly not true Scotsmen.

Over the aligator, emroider, “Not a Proud Boy”.

Trump’s huge appetite will come in handy for once, except that there is no way he would be able to spell blancmange.

Can’t see him surviving a game of tennis, either.

It’s mainly just tan suits on powerful black men that get their goat.