So where is the Simpson's Springfield?

Hee hee hee. Of course, you’re all forgetting something!

Remember when they moved Springfield (after Homer botched the job of Sanitation Commissionner)? They moved the entire town!
You thought just moving the school was bad.
With as many problems as Springfield has, they probably do the moving thing quite a bit. They really could be Everytown, USA.

And no one says the shows are in chronological order, so you get to figure that out, too!

Muhahahahaha! Yes, Thursday is a good day to be evil.

Never said you did. Just preventing the response that says, “Well, with all the similarities, it must be North Carolina.”

Well, I went as far as I could away from saying, “It’s not in any state. As any dimwit can see, it’s plotted to eliminate every state in one way or another.” as I felt people would take offense.

nuqDaq yuch Dapol? (Where do you keep the chocolate?)

Thank goodness. I don’t think that we could idiot-proof this earth Homer’s hometown existed!

Well, all you need to do is find the town which has a mountian range, ocean, river, gorge, salt flats, badlands, desert, cape, heavy forest and plains in its immediate vicinty and you’re there.

As for the false driver’s license, out-of-state false driver’s licenses are common since they’re easier to pass off. A 17 year old cashier in Illinois wouldn’t know what to look for in a California driver’s license. As for the Halloween episode with the Simpsons being beamed out from the Louisania area, it’s been said many a time that the Halloween episodes have no bearing on the rest of the show. Not that I believe it’s anyplace (besides 5:30, 6:00 and 10:00 on FOX in Chicago) but I felt like adding my thoughts anyway.

“I guess it is possible for one person to make a difference, although most of the time they probably shouldn’t.”

Kat did write:
Well, I went as far as I could away from saying, “It’s not in any state. As any dimwit can see, it’s plotted to eliminate every state in one way or another.” as I felt people would take offense.

Everyone knows Springfield doesn’t exist. Which means you have to have extra-good arguments to determine the state in which it is located.

The preceding two sentances were logically inconsistent. Maybe its because we’re just having fun. (For some reason, the cartoon where Marge-as-a-scolding-squirrell starts telling Itchy and Scratchy “Don’t do that!” comes to mind.)

I can’t believe we’re being chided by someone whose sig is inKlingon! Are you not aware that Klingons don’t really exist? Therefore, it is only logical to conclude that an actual Klingon language also doesn’t exist, and anyone who pretends otherwise is being highly illogical.

Making up phrases in a non-existent language is fun. Speculating on the location of a non-existent town is fun.

See, I told ya people would get offended. Precisely why I had it edited by the Editor Under My Desk. :wink: <-----note little winky guy

nuqDaq yuch Dapol? (Where do you keep the chocolate?)


Can I sum this up? I remember reading somewhere (right, no exact source) that Springfield was the most common town name in the US and that’s why Groening picked it. As for any real hometown references, Groening is from the Pacific Northwest. By the way, are we all taking this a bit too seriously? Do we want “The Simpsons” to be the next “Star Trek” or do we want to put up with a bunch of Simpsons conventions in our local motels thirty years from now

insert question mark

Ok, so now, where was Mayfield, where Wally and the Beav lived?

Ranger Jeff
The Idol of American Youth

Always drink* upstream * from the herd.

I seem to remember the State Seal in one episode with the motto “Not Just Any State”. Also, on a web site selling Simpsons collectibles, I remember seeing driver licences for Homer and Bart with the abbreviation “NT” for the state. I think all the conflicting “clues” for Springfield’s location is to just give everyone the business. (as Eddie Haskell would say)

At least one question that has a fairly definitive answer. DC (the company that publishs Batman and Superman) also published “An Atlas of the DC Universe” which locates the settings of their comics. Metropolis is in Delaware. Gotham is in New Jersey.

Not that I’m doubting you, but did the atlas explain how all of NYC’s landmarks ended up in New Jersey? Did New York lose some kind of civil war in the DC Universe? Did Gotham get the Statue of Liberty as the spoils of victory? At least Metropolis is non-comittal enough to be anywhere.

“I had a feeling that in Hell there would be mushrooms.” -The Secret of Monkey Island

Painful as it is for a native New Yorker to admit, the Statue of Liberty is in New Jersey. Presumedly just a few miles from stately Wayne Manor.

I always thought that the writers were from Kentucky. While driving through that lovely state, I noticed adjacent towns with the names Simpsonsville and Shelbyville. Is this just a coincidence?

I think ils is onto something here. We’ve all heard about how inbreeding created the “blue people” of Kentucky. Why not “yellow people”?

Quote:_______________________________________"…did the atlas explain how all of NYC’s landmarks ended up in New Jersey? Did New York lose some kind of civil war in the DC Universe? Did Gotham get the Statue of Liberty as the spoils of victory?"

Gotham City has never had the Statue of Liberty. Batman HAS, on occasion, traveled to NYC. (i.e., Frank Miller/Todd McFarlane's 'Batman/Spawn' crossover). I am not sure why you think that the Statue of Liberty (or any other NYC landmarks) are in Gotham City, but maybe you have just seen an issue where Batman went to NYC or something. I haven't seen any NYC landmarks in any of the Batman movies, nor in any Batman comic, ever. If you have a specific comic book in mind, please give me the issue number so I can go check it out for myself.

I know that this post is way off thread, but I am a little curious to see Gotham’s version of Lady Liberty.


Ever see the third Batman movie, the one with TwoFace and the Riddler? In the beginning, the bad guys’ helicopter crashes into a dead ringer for Lady Liberty, except that she has the word GOTHAM carved onto her crown. Of couse, it could just be that the movie producers never talked to DC Comics. Also, in the Warner Brother’s cartoon series from a few years ago, they have shown the Statue of Liberty several times, except that she has a shield instead of the tablet. Whatever this statue is, it’s located in “Gotham Harbor”. It’s pretty funny, and very wierd.

“I had a feeling that in Hell there would be mushrooms.” -The Secret of Monkey Island

To get back to the topic-
I was watching “New York Undercover” the other night, And wondered;
Where is this New York, anyway? Is it a real place?

Man, this thread is geting looonng.

When I moved from Minnesota several years ago, there were two questions I was often asked. Adults often asked about Garrison Keiller/Lake Woebegon.
Teenagers asked me (I was a junior in high school) if I knew Brenda and Brandon. (Of Beverly Hills 90210).