So where is the Simpson's Springfield?

Springfield is everywhere and nowhere

Metropoilis is in Delaware? You’re kidding, right? No offence to my friends from the 1st state, but have you ever been there? Dover, Wilmington and Newark together wouldn’t crack the top 25 cities in the U.S. size-wise. At least Gotham in Jersey makes sense. North Jersey is all overflow city from NY and south Jersey is overflow from Philly.

sorry to mutilate a dead horse, but one of the reasons why North Carolina was ruled out, was because casinos are only in nevada and new jersy. well, that webmaster better update that page, because he must have never heard of riverboat gambling or casinos on native american reservations. don’t trust everything you read on the internet :slight_smile:

On last night’s episode (May 2), Homer and Mr. Burns went to a Springfield Radio station, KBBL. All radio (and broadcast TV?) stations in the USA that are west of the Mississippi River begin with the letter K, and all radio stations east of the mighty Miss. river begin with the letter W.

Therefore, Springfield has to be in a state west of the Miss. river. As mentioned above by Cheese Head, the only states west of the Miss. river that have a Springfield are Minn, Mo, Idaho, Col, and Ore.

However, I think we have proved in this thread, that if you analyze it, there will be a contradiction ruling out all of the Springfields that actually exist. So, either purposefully or accidently, Springfield is a myth and not one of the real American Springfields.

(Re Batman / Gotham City in New York)
Several times on the animated Batman, they’ve shown something like the statue of Liberty, but instead of the tablet, she’s holding a shield.

And in one of the shows, Penguin ends up making license plates who’s motto across the bottom is ‘The Dark Deco State’…

I tried to contain myself, but I escaped.

Get real, Mr. President.

  • Most stations follow the K-west, W-east rule. KYW-TV and radio in Philly is a notable exception. This nullifies your assertion.

  • This just ain’t your year is it?

ChiefScott’s profile:

Occupation: U.S. Navy Public Affairs Specialist
Interests: …and the occasional snotty retort!

Chief Scott, better avoid these occasional snotty retorts. It’s not good for a US Navy Public Affairs Specialist to talk to the President that way.

Speaking of public affairs, I sure have had my share of them lately (Monica, Paula,…). lol

Seriously though, I still think the K-West W-East rule is a general clue to Springfield’s location, even though there are a few exceptions to the rule.

ChiefScott’s profile:

Occupation: U.S. Navy Public Affairs Specialist
Interests: …and the occasional snotty retort!

Chief Scott, better avoid these occasional snotty retorts. It’s not good for a US Navy Public Affairs Specialist to talk to the President that way.

Speaking of public affairs, I sure have had my share of them lately (Monica, Paula,…). lol

Seriously though, I still think the K-West W-East rule is a general clue to Springfield’s supposed location, even though there are a few exceptions to the rule.

KBBL was promintently featured on the Simpson’s episode again last night, May 9. They seem to be committing themselves to this one.

On this same program, part of a list of the “worst towns” in the United States was displayed. “Springfield, USA” came in 299th, and appearing in the position directly above this was “Dawson’s Creek, North Carolina”. The TV show Dawson’s Creek takes place in fictional Capeside, Massachusetts. But the show is filmed in Wilmington, North Carolina. So, Dawson’s Creek, NC equals Wilmington, NC. Thus, Springfield, USA and Wilmington, NC were paired on the list. Mere coincidence???

First of all, let me say that I cannot believe I’m even replying to this string of, of…of whatever it is I have been reading. That said, here’s a point to think about, as long as we’re arguing states: Remember the episode where their on vacation and they stand in “five states at once”? Where is that possible? Nowhere. There are FOUR states together at a point, but not five. On the “Simpsons” things always seem to be just the other side of reality. Hence, “Springfield” is an actual city, but which Springfield is it? Does it matter? Not really. I don’t think it’s meant to be a real place. Springfield just happens to be a common name for a town. If we’re to argue this point, then let’s figure out why Homer, Marge, and the kids have never aged?


<angry clouds and lightning>

You are alll in my POOOOWWWEEERR!



Interesting that they said Springfield, USA, instead of mentioning a state. All the other cities on the list had a state. The writers refuse to tell us which state Springfield is in, don’t they?

And the bottom city, 300, was East St. Louis, Ill. This city is also talked about in the “ugliest town in the world” thread in the BBQ Pit.


Fountain of Youth water?

Genetic mutation caused by proximity to nuclear plant?

:wink: <-----note annoying winky guy

“Yeah, you chew a little Juicy Fruit–it’s good for your soul.”

Sorry to bring up this old topic, but…last night (6/20) was a rerun of the Simpson’s episode where Homer and Marge are at a trendy party of Springfield’s “hip” crowd, when the party group decides to go protest redwood forest destruction. The goup takes a bus to a redwood forest. They weren’t shown packing any luggage or food, and had the same clothes on when they got there, so it seemed like a short bus trip no longer than a couple hours.

Also, the Springfield police arrived to stop the protest, so the redwood forest must be near Springfield. To my knowledge, the only place in the world where redwood trees grow is northern California. Thus, the episode implies that Springfield is in N. Calif.

However, as I say in my 4/14 post above, there is no actual Springfield in Calif. The nearest are in Oregon and Idaho. So, Springfield in the show can not possibly be any of the actual Springfields in the USA. It is a pretend place.

The SImpson’s Springfield has a Memorial Bridge. Springfield, MA has a memorial bridge. Clearly, The Simpsons are from Massachusetts. The evidence that it is elsewhere are just artistic license to move the stories along.

I’m going to post to this musty old thread only once. you can spend all month analyzing which city has a nuclear power plant near a gorge close to a water park with a televised clown show and a wealthy loveless old man who tries to block the sun out after the school drilled an oil well and he tapped into the line…
The answer is that Springfield IS NOT any specific town but changes to fit the writers’ needs for that weeks episode. However, Springfield is BASED on Springfield, Oregon. Why do I say this?
-The Creator, Matt Groening, is from that area.
-Street names in Portland are eerily similar to many characters on the Simpsons.
-Lastly, and most importantly, Springfield (or an adjacent suburb) has a statue that is a dead ringer for the one of Jebediah Springfield/Hans Sprungfeld. I’ve seen pictures of it. If I can scan em, I’ll post em.

“…Springfield IS NOT any specific town.”

I feel so lied to. Next are you going to try telling me there is no Santa Claus?

curious george writes:

No, there is a Santa Claus, but the Tooth Fairy is not real.


I’ve always wondered why Lisa is the only one to ever have a birthday (that I can remember) and why the school year can end and begin again without either of the kids advancing a grade. :wink:

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.
– Henry David Thoreau