I’ve lived in Cleveland Ohio my entire life. Yessir, I’m just a Cleveland kinda gal- and an Ohio gal- whether I like it or not. While I’m leaving the state for college next year, I’ll miss good 'ole O-hi-o; even if there is no surf in Cleveland.
But onto the point. This year, Ohio is celebrating it’s bicentiennial. Or at least they say they are. I have yet to see any recognition of the event at all, except for different liscence plates and a few paintings on barns, and there was an Ohio tribute in Eggshelland this year.
I’m waiting for the whoop-de-do, and I’ve BEEN waiting. I waited on New Years day, but there was no mention on the local news that the bicentennial year had begun. Nothing. Nowhere.
I waited to hear something on my birthday (February 19th) because that was the day in 1803 the United States Congress accepted Ohio’s constitution. But not even a peep about that anywhere.
So, we’re about 5 months into the year, and I’m still waiting. Is anything going to happen? Is there some day where, BOOM! sudennly it’s the day to celebrate the bicentennial? Where’s the parade? Where’s the hoop-de-hoo? Don’t we at least get some sort of commemorative underpants? How dare they call this a celebration when… nothing is happening?
There was a big party down here in Cincinnati. I don’t know why you didn’t get your invitation, you’re on the list.
If you’ll just send me your size and a photo to corroborate, we’ll have your commemorative panties in the mail by the end of next week. BTW, how did you know what the party favor was if you didn’t attend?
Besides, as Cecil notes in his Income Tax Protesters column, this is only the 50th anniversary of the resolution admitting Ohio to the Union.
(Did you folks from Arizona and New Mexico send congratulatory notes to the then-newest state? I thought not.)
(But Ohio is supposed to be stealing part of the 100th Anniversary of Flight commemoration, since the Wright Brothers were born in Dayton OH – but, being sensible, came to North Carolina to conduct their historic experiments!)
Actually the winds blow more consistently in Carolina. Witness Jesse Helms.
Merla. I think I have the answer to your OP.
I moved to Ohio in 1971. In the mid-to-late-70’s, it was common to see women in Ohio wearing mini-skirts, even though the fad had passed on the East and West Coast quite a bit earlier.
Ohio seems to be a bit behind the Nation in things. So the fact that they haven’t noticed that it’s their own Bi-centennial doesn’t surprise me. Look for the celebration sometime after you graduate from college. We might even have the problem of how to fund public schools by that time. But I’ll bet against it.
This state, OHIO, would be lumped in with MS, AL, AR, etc, except by accident of location.
Get your degree and get out. But come back for the celebration.
Didn’t a slightly more famous Sam Clem once say that when the end of the world came he wanted to be in Cincinnati, since they were always 10 years behind the times? Or some words to that effect?
We’ve been getting all the food and decorations ready down here in Mississippi. Sorry, Merla but we’re kinda behind and it looks like the party won’t be until sometime in '06.
Have you been out of the house and on the road to see the barns? Aparently the painting of all 88 of them were parties in themselves.
Our local PBS stations (WGTE and WBGU) have been running ads up the wazoo for things bicentennial related. I saw the barn painting documentry and latter this week is the ‘Roadshow’ tie in for kids.
Um… this stuff sounds like a good reason to have a dope?
Both of our PBS stations (WGTE & WBGU) ran a 1 hour Ohio documentry last night and it got me to thinking about this thread. Apparently all the parties are being saved for summer. Can’t say as I blame them as slow as spring is to coming to this part of the state.
JFTR, and not to hijack, Virginia is getting started early on their 400th! I saw a license plate yesterday with “1607 – 400th Anniversary – 2007” across the bottom.