So, which cartoon characters do you want to boink?

Yeah! She was even hot in the flashback or time travel or whatever episode. And more in my league at that point too.

Sailor Mercury. She has that sort of school-girl innocence.
And Rei Ayanami from Neon Genesis.

Thanks for the link, don. That was my old thread, and my choices are still the same. Marge Simpson, and Jessie from Real Adventures of Johnny Quest- if she’s old enough.

Oh, I forgot to mention Trent from Daria. Oh baby! No wonder Daria likes him!


OK, I have to admit to not having the patience to read all of the posts, since I just found it so amazing that someone started this thread. So, many of these will probably be repeats. I was just debating with friends about it the other day. We came up with:
1.) Miss Buxley from Beetle Bailey.
2.) Lois (from Hi and Lois). Keeping her figure nicely.
3.) Blondie. Still has the great figure.
4.) Hagar’s daughter. Nice rack.
5.) Sexy broad from B.C. Not too shabby.
6.) Nancy’s Aunt Fritzi. Fine, fine woman.

That’s it; we all also agreed that April from the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was hot too, but I don’t even think that’s around anymore.

Melody from “Josie and the Pussycats” Meeeeeooooowww!!! What’s wrong with you people?
…and if we’re talking about comicbook characters, that’s a whole different thread…don’t even get me started…

[sub]Okay, maybe just a mention of VooDoo from “WILDCats”…but that’s all for now…"[/sub]

Calico Bates–from SWAT Cats

Shao Lin–from Captain Simian & The Space Monkeys

Lynn Minmei–fromRobotech

Dana Sterling–likewise Robotech

Maid Marion–from Disney’s Robin Hood

I just want to say that *Boinkable * is my new favorite word.

Thanks Narile!

Haven’t seen a TV version, but in the movie she was a fox.

Soitanly My dear, you are most welcome.

I cast my votes for:
Big Fire of Giant Robo
Miki of Revoutionary Girl Utena(He’s the blue one.)
Touga. Also of Utena
Dios. Utena.

I’ll probly(sp?) think of more once I leave the computer.

That big ol’ head.

Belle, from Disney’s Beauty and the Beast.
Jet Girl, from Tank Girl.
Anastasia, complete with Meg Ryan’s voice.
Death, from Sandman.
Jane, from Disney’s Tarzan.
Those teenaged Goofy girls look damned cute.

I’ve looked around for pictures, but after not finding any good ones of any of them (I can’t find any drawings of Jet Girl, it’s always Naomi Watts from the movie - who is still delicious, but ain’t what we’re lookin’ for here) I gave up. So make up your own in your head.

Rose is Rose when she’s got her biker leathers on!

And Rose is Rose when she’s wearing pyjamas and playing kissing games.

mack, I so agree with Brandy from Liberty Meadows. Of course, it seems as if she’s being replaced by Jen, which is fine by me. (and no, I couldn’t find a picture of Jen to link to for those who have asked after such things.)

More strangely, I have it bad for Calvin’s mom. Soccer mom fantasies, you see.

Slappy Squirrel. No, really. Who knows why, but she’s the one for me.

JASMINE from Aladdin! Damn, I’d love to get with that! Any of the women from Ranma 1/2, excluding the ones meant to bu ugly (uhhh, shampoos grandma… bleck). Basically, all of the disney women, any and all of the supervillianesses there ever were, and all the hentai chix.

What’s great about cartoons is you can create the perfect woman and never sleep with her, which keeps the fantasies so much more vivid.

Oh, maybe I’d sleep with myself also. (C’mon, you MUST have seen Totoro! It’s classic! I’m bug and furry, and there’s more of me to love!) (ewwwwwww!)

How Did I forget all of the Gen 13 women? And, for only the really big hentais, vitual nobuko.

Marge Simpson is kinda cute naked