So who is really the most powerful Jedi?

Extensive action figure testing has demonstrated that Squid Head is unequivocally the most powerful Jedi among official licensed Star Wars characters. His preeminence has been attributed to mastery of the “Fuzzy School,” a technique designed for lightsabers made from bits of pipe cleaner.

Interestingly, the Force is also quite strong in Micronauts.

:: subtly waves hand at all posters in the thread ::

Everyone knows that Obi-Wan is the most powerful Jedi.


That’s the same conclusion I came to as well.

I agree.
You could see the fear in his little eyes.

As Lore Sjöberg has noted, it’s gotta be Luke. You want a magical ghost body, all you have to do is snuff it while Luke is looking at you. Name one other Jedi who has that power, hmm?

One of the reasons I actually loved the novelization. The fight scenes read like they were written by someone who had actually done some martial arts, or at least understood how a the flow of a fight worked.  

For a swordsman, it actually was an enjoyable read.

You should still read the EU books.

Who’s the most powerful? I don’t think it’s even possible to say. It would depend on what you need in a given situation. And would it be power used, or potential power?

He actually said “you do [practicing] your wit, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman.”

Didn’t the lab tests come back in episode 1 proclaiming Anakin as the one with greatest potential? The only problem was by the time he was fully competent, he was just a head and a torso.

He even says something like “Underestimate his power, I did”. He went there to beat Palpatine he didn’t go there to fight him and then run away. Yoda lost so I’ve gotta say that Papatine was the stronger force user. I guess technically Palpatine wasn’t a Jedi.


::Blink, blink::

Uuh… Obi-Wan is the most powerful Jedi. Everybody knows that.

Your arguement is flawed based on the fact that Anakin defeated Dooku when Dooku left Obi-Wan’s shit in ruins twice.

Still, I think it would have to be Palpatine with a blade slightly over Yoda and Windu and it being a toss up with the power of the force. Palpatine was able to fight well against both Yoda and Windu indicating that he had a highly varied ability to adjust to two completely different styles of fighting. Plus, you could argue that Palpatine’s fall in the fight with Dooku was staged on Palpatine’s part due to him sensing that Anakin was near and possibly setting up the situation where Anakin would assassinate one of his own masters (he is by far the best at manipulation, after all).

As far as his display of power over Yoda in the force battle, you could also chalk that up to circumstance. Yoda spent much of his time back on his heels due to the environment (variale heights, etc.) Who knows how it would have turned out in a different environment–not that this is an excuse).

I think you have to admit that as impressive as Obi-Wan is with a blade, he really doesn’t have any advanced weapons where force power is concerned, never really had even in the old trilogy (remember this is how Dooku beat him that second time). So I would rate Obi-Wan as pretty well near the top as far as skill with a lightsaber and not too terribly far beyond Luke with the force as a weapon.

Had Anakin’s talent been fully realized as a Jedi, I imagine he would have been perhaps the best balance of the two Jedi fighting doctrines, second only to Yoda and Windu due to just blunt years of experience.

Wow, it’s a good thing I’m already engaged. I’m so never getting laid on anything resembling a regular basis with this much Star Wars knowledge.

For what it’s worth, this list shows the midi-chlorian count of various characters, including EU characters. I don’t vouch for the accuracy of the list, I just stumbled across it one night.

Nothing SuperShadow says can be trusted to have any accuracy whatsoever. He’s an enormous liar and bullshitter, i’m afraid. He’s claimed to be in the films, have been a part of writing the films, interviewing/chatting to Lucas pretty often. All of it’s bollocks; He’s a well known crackpot.

Hmmm…this wasn’t the thread I was looking for…

Maybe his wife, Morgan Fairchild, made up the list…?

lol… :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I would say that Anakin was the most powerful, he was able to defeat Count Dooku when no one else could, and he only lost to Obi Wan because he got too arrogant with his powers and thought that he could do anything. I do agree that Yoda and Mace should be in the top 3 but I believe that Anakin should be #1.

I have a half-assed theory.

Dooku beats Obi-Wan and Anakin, and still has enough in the tank to stalemate Yoda; tough customer. Years later, Anakin – while still on the light side – only manages to win the rematch by dipping into the dark side.

Vader can beat Luke – until Luke, while still on the light side, dips into the dark side. Mace Windu is so damned effective because he’s on the light side but can still break out the pissed-off-Samuel-L-Jackson effect at need. That’s the big shot in the arm: being on the light side while flirting with the dark side.

Who’d win: Light-Side Anakin or Dark-Side Anakin? Dunno. Who’d beat either of 'em? Light-Side Anakin Tapping Into The Dark Side.

If so, then the fights don’t tell us much about the fighters unless that’s factored in.

I didn’t think the higher ground comment was retarded at all. Obi-Wan understood Anakin’s anger issues. The comment, during a fight to the death, told Anakin that Obi-Wan was so confident, and smug, that he could give Anakin advice as if he were still Obi-Wan’s student. Which angered Anakin so much that he made a mistake.
I think I’m going with Yoda, but I just started watching The Clone Wars and Yoda’s performance in the first episode was very impressive.

This isn’t a thread, it’s just a ghostly voice telling us to use the force, Luke.

As a side note, I figure the whole “higher ground” thing was primarily for the audience - i.e. these two characters have been choreographically-green-screening for five or ten minutes at this point and neither has landed a blow, so at this point for one of them to just finish the other with a good move (after we’ve been shown dozens of improbable blocks and parries demonstrating that each character has magical reflexes) would be anticlimactic, so there has to be some external element introduced that will mean “okay, we’ve fooled around long enough, it’s time to resolve this, already.”

Truth be told, I find the Bespin duel in Empire to be far more dramatic and engaging.