And I’m not talking about the sports cream!
I’m talking about the new guy that the Cleveland Browns just signed as a free agent. It’s been hard to find out anything about him. All I know is that he was an awesome player in high school and then had trouble (both academically and otherwise) in college. He’s bounced around since then and not really done anything.
What are his chances of really being successful and living up to the expectations of the NFL?
He was one of the most incredible high school players in Texas. Many scouts said that he could play in the NFL straight out of high school. He was highly recruited by all major college programs. He ended up selecting Baylor in a very suprising move. At Baylor he destroyed everyone in practice but became academically ineligible before he could ever play a down. He supposedly refused to attend class. Baylor would try to send people to his dorm room to wake him up to go to class, but he would still never go. When Baylor got the new coach, Kevin Steele, he was cut from the team because it was clear that he would never become academically eligible. I think after that he played a few games for some semi pro team but quit. He then hired an agent that got him meetings with several NFL scouts. He was out of shape but still posted amazing times. He was told that the NFL would make him eligible for the draft, but he never signed the form to declare himself for the draft. He supposedly signed the wrong form even though his agent gave him the correct one. Then I guess Cleveland picked him up.
So basically, he is one big slapdick when it comes to maturity, but he is the second coming of Bo Jackson when it comes to football skills.
Well I just found a great article on him. I was right about a lot of what I posted, but he never played for a semi pro team. He signed for a CFL team. He played at a community college and ran for about 1500 yards.
Thanks - I think we might be in for an interesting season! I hope this guy can get his head together, but it might be more than he can do.