So Would This Be The Evil Empire VS The Other Evil Empire?

Wal-Mart (Evil Empire Number One[sup]TM[/sup]) is now selling PCs with Lindows pre-installed on 'em! (For those of you who don’t know, Lindows is a “hybrid” operating system that’s supposed to be able to run either Windows or Linux programs.) So is Wal-Mart trying to stick it to Microsoft (Evil Empire Number Two[sup]TM[/sup])? :wink:

Geeks take note: These PCs have the game Tron included!!!

Note! The link to Wal-Mart’s site is to the cheapest Lindows PC they offer, they have a total of eight different models available.

Cool! Although I hate wal-mart almost as much as microsoft, it’s nice to see Lindows getting support from someone this big.

It could be the beginning of the end… or they could botch it really bad.