Soap on a rope - Do you use it?

Does anyone really use soap on a rope?

Not since I was a toddler.

Only when I’m incarcerated.

Do they even still make soap on a rope?

Or are you talking about that one that’s been in the back of the linen closet since the 70’s?

Yeah, I thought this stuff went out decades ago. Mr. Men soap on a rope, oh the horror!

The only bars I can remember from childhood were crappy soap, and after two showers it fell off the rope and landed painfully on your foot.

I’ll take the pet rock instead. At least that has personality.

In answer to the question of do they even still make soap on a rope? Yes. But it’s harder to find than it used to be. My mother’s sister gives my dad a soap on a rope every year at Christmas. He uses them, but doesn’t seem to mind when the soap on a rope runs out and he has to use whatever soap Mom buys and uses.

Me? No. I just remember my mother saying once that she’d never use nor buy soap on a rope because every time she saw it, she could only imagine one place a man would hang it. . . :smiley:

Of course, for this to amuse you as much as it amused me, you’d have had to know my mother. She never made off-color comments or discussed sex with us!