SoCal Dopefest: Empress Pavillion, Sunday, Dec. 13 @ 11am

There is little chance that I will be awake enough to be at a dopefest at 10am on a sunday. The date is fine with me, the time leaves something to be desired. :slight_smile:

I’d be happy with say…2 or later.

Keep me apprised. :slight_smile: It’s been years since I’ve been to a DopeFest. Since I’m nearly 32 weeks pregnant, my schedule is full of penciled-in ideas that are sometimes erased due to the whole, yah know, big pregnant thing. But I’d love to have the option!

Penciled in? The ink becomes permanent in 5 minutes here in Straight Dope. :wink:

2 or later? I’m like 1.5 hours away to start with. How about 11?

I think we need to listen to ctywkr. After all anyone with 62 posts and a 0.02 posts per day average is a force to be reckoned with. This guy is an unstoppable poster. he will probably be up to 65 posts by the time the dope fest rolls around.
Seriously any of the dates are good for me, and I can do any of the times.
There is an advantage of meeting early is for the people coming from a distance. (no seriously) The later in the day the heavier the traffic on the freeways.
As far as where, I think this time we should do LA. West LA or Santa Monica or maybe Pasadena. The last two get dope fests have been behind the orange curtain.

The only problem with an afternoon gather is no dim sum. No reason the die-hard dim sum fanatics can’t start there and meet the rest of you in the afternoon.

Dim sum. Dim sum. Dim sum.

I’m shooting for 70!

Jeez, will the hamsters be able to keep up?

I vote for Dim Sum also.

However, with all respect to Asimovian (who, I am sure, is not at all influenced by the fact that his new apt. is in Chinatown), Chinatown proper is not really where the Chinese people are, anymore.

San Gabriel, now…THAT is the new Chinatown. Less kitch, more Chinese folks.

That said, I vote:

  1. Pasadena, as expressed in nearby San Gabriel
  2. Los Angeles
  3. O.C. (I hear you can get some awesome Viet food in Santa Ana…)

SPEAKING of not being influenced by one’s location… :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I’ll have you know, by the way, that Empress has received “Best Dim Sum in LA” awards, and is more centrally located than San Gabriel, especially by public transit.

(Anybody else here liking the idea of a dim sum food fight?)

Dim sum sounds good to me. L.A. would be easier for me also, especially if it’s near the train, or San Gabriel if it’s near Mission station.

Can’t go on the 21st, though, since the Princess is having her birthday party that day. Any of the proposed weekends in December would be fine, as long as I can arrange child care.

Dim sum sounds fun. Never had them but it’s a dumpling so how bad can it be!

Oh, understatement.

You forgot the delicious slimy noodles.

Fried shrimp things.


Okay, I’ll stop proselytizing dim sum. Just haven’t had it for a while…

Damn you guys in SoCal have changed the way you do dopefests since I last made one! 10 am! Blech! :slight_smile:

I guess Dim Sum is a morning thing? I never realized that.

Can’t make this one anyhow. But, try to make it more in the awake hours when we have one I can make in 2010.

Have fun!

From my point of view, Saturday morning 10 AM is better than Sunday morning 10 AM (I am often scheduled to teach “Sunday School” at my church on Sunday mornings). But otherwise I am fine with whatever Dim Sum choice prevails. I suggest that the advocates of each restaurant use the fine oriental tradition of martial arts to settle the issue.

Martial arts battle against Oni no Maggie? OK: I choose Turtle Style. I’ll be hiding in my shell. Y’all have fun. :wink:

(I’m still right, though.)

I’m in Santa Barbara, but I think I might be too shy to go. I read the posts but still can’t tell where or when.

That sounds awesome, but I don’t think I could afford it. (I’m not sure how I’m going to afford anything at the moment, but hopefully I’ll have a job soon.)

Oh, and wonderlust, I’m in Camarillo. You could drive here and then hitch a ride with me.

STG…this is about the cheapest meal possible. The more people that attend, the more the cost of the meal approaches $5/person. Seriously.

sigh Fine, if that god-awful crack of dawn time of day is what everyone insists on…then I’ll haul my butt out of bed to manage.

Rick, this means of course that we MUST go through Starbucks on the way. (I would like to be able to manage to be social at the event)