Last week the Senate voted to allow illegal workers to collect social security.
Anybod know how they propose to give credit when it wasn’t reported as having been earned by someone with a valid SS#? Are they going to be able to come forward and show that they received earnings under a fake number?
Section 214 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 414). Basically, the Senate affirmed the long-standing law that if you paid the Social Security payroll tax over a certain time period (see link), you are entitled to Social Security benefits.
It sounds to me like they were trying to prevent someone who had earnings prior to the date that they became legal and were assigned a number from coming forward and saying… “Hey you know all that money reported under bogus number xxx-xx-xxxx, that was me !!!”
Iam so sick of this subject. I am sick of hearing they do jobs that we won’t do. When the truth is that they will do those jobs for half the wage. If we would have inforced the laws to begin with we would not have this (infestation) like we have now. English or spanish English *** *** IT// not UNITED STATE OF MEXICO. You broke the law now go home and try again. The way our ansesters did.