So I’m watching The Woodsman, and Kevin Bacon’s really impressing me with his role as Walter, the pedophile who did 12 years.
Now, I’ve always thought that Kevin Bacon’s a solid actor. Not one that you would mention in the “upper tier” conversations, but he always delivers a good performance. He’s usually worked in ensemble casts, though, and always seems to go unmentioned.
Lest this turn into a “Kevin Bacon Appreciation Thread,” (which I wouldn’t object to), I’d also nominate Dennis Quaid (who I DID start an “Appreciation Thread” about a while back). Case in point is The Rookie. Quaid’s an actor who always has the ability to knock it out of the park.
Laurence Fishburne and Tim Robbins (though Robbins may have moved into the upper ranks with his Oscar win for Mystic River).
Any others? I’m obviously excluding an Edward Norton or Gary Oldman, etc. Who, while they may not be thought of in the “upper ranks” conversations in the real world as quickly as a DeNiro or a Pacino, cwertainly seem to have their share of fans on the Dope. Me included.
But who else do you just know is going to deliver a good performance? Someone that most people may kinda take for granted?
Dennis Quaid really suprised me in Frequency. I think he is a little underrated – it seems Inner Space is going to mark him for life or something.
Alan Rickman has gone to the next level of recognition as Snape in Harry Potter…, but before that, he was still definitely solid yet somewhat unknown. A step above Hey It’s That Guy material, but only a small step.
For forty years he has been working continously, and ALWAYS turns in a grounded, real performance. No matter how big a piece of crap the film is, he is consistently professional.
I usually go out of my way to watch anything with Tony Shaloub, Mark Wahlberg , or Don Cheadle in it, though the material itself hasn’t always been the greatest.
Brad Dourif (Grima Wormtongue to most of you) has always turned in solid performances despite being in some pretty crappy movies. I’m watching him right now in Alien Resurrection and he’s awesome…despite the film itself. Aww, the Aliens just got him. Guess it’s time to change the channel.
I just rewatched (after many years) Devil in a Blue Dress on cable last night. Cheadle’s performance elevated that entire film for me. He’s yet to botch a role that I’ve seen and rises to the status of Harry Dean Stanton, Strother Martin, Jack Elam, M. Emmet Walsh, R. Lee Ermey, Lee Van Cleef, and Gene Hackman in that regard. Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones are closer to the “big star” category, but I expect to be entertained in any movie they’ve been in, even though TLJ has been in some real stinkers.
I recently re-viewed Brian de Palma’s Obsession, and was struck by Cliff Robertson’s fine, understated performance. Robertson won an Oscar for Charly, but has been largely overlooked when people discuss good actors.