Soloing in WoW-- Hints? Strategies?

Mmmm…Feral Combat…

I have a 26 Moo-id and a (now) 17 NE druid and both are or will be FC specced. I loves me some furry tanks!

Warlock is one of the best PvE solo classes, hands down. Need work in PvP, but still alot of fun. On the high lvl end of things, a warlock for an instance is almost a must. I usually get at least one tell out of the blue asking me if I want a group within an hour of logging on.

I play a level 60 warlock on the Elune PvE server, and am currently a Sgt. Major in PvP Rank. I love my class. grin (I also have a 45 NE Hunter, and 27 Gnome Mage, 18 Tauren Druid, 10 Human Warrior, 9 Troll shammy, and a 8 Human Priest, but have been concentrating on upgrading my 'lock’s gear in pick-up instances, guild raids, and pvp rank)

Was hoping I’d go up a PvP rank this week, but I suspect not, I didn’t have much time to CTF this week, and the queue’s are awful on Elune, we have a 3:1 Alliance-Horde imbalance on our server. AV BGs are non-existant at this point. I just hope I don’t lose my Rank, I’ll lose my Sgt. Major Silk Cuffs. =(

Forgot race…I’m playing a human warlock. grin

Ooh, I thouight of another suggestion for those people who haven’t had much (or any) practice in groups and want to get some. On the Alliance side, the first instance most players do is the Deadmines. It’s the lowest level one, so a lot of people doing the Deadmines don’t have much practice doing instances. Head over to Westfall and join a Deadmines group, if you make mistakes there, no problem. Just follow the loot rules and hopefully someone who’s been in the Deadmines before will be there and know where to go.

On the Horde side, Ragefire Chasm is the lowest level instance, and it can serve the same purpose.

There is one thing that hunters do better than other classes, and that’s pulling. As a hunter, you should scout well ahead of the group, looking for enemies. When you see an enemy standing apart from its friends, hit it with your bow at maximum range and get it to follow you into your group for an ambush. You can also lay traps in advance for more ambushy goodness. If you pull too many enemies at once and you think your group will get killed, use Feign Death to escape real death. Even if Feign Death fails and they get you, as long as they aren’t in aggro range of the rest of the group they’ll go back to what they were doing. Then the healer can ressurect you and you can try again.

You know about the Hearthstone, right? You get one when you start the game, and you use it to teleport to your home inn. Talk to any innkeeper to set your home, or to get a replacement if you manage to lose the Hearthstone. My wife tells me her dad managed to get to level 40 before he figured out what it was, so your post sounded familiar.

I’m a yutz. I know exactly what the hearthstone does but I only used it when I was ready to log out because— I’m a yutz. It wasn’t until I got stuck in a troll cave with my human warrior that I realized I could just get the quest item and go home.

I felt just about as dumb as I felt earlier in this thread when I found out the ooze covered bag was a container with 10 slots.

Hey, don’t feel dumb. If you hang around the gamer threads enough, soon you too will become a 1337 //@5+3r.





We should stop before we all get omgbanz0red!!1 :eek:

If she’s on a PVP server, which I believe Thunderhorn is, she can’t not be flagged and be in Horde or Contested Territory. It is automatic.

Hmmm, true. That’s why I’m not on a PvP server I guess. That way I don’t have to deal with PvP garbage unless I want to.

[pvp kiddie]I pwn j00! Bawk! Bawk! Cluck! /spit /rude /moon /dance Flag, yella-belly! Flag! Bawk! Bawk![/pvp kiddie]
God…now I feel all dirty…

Thunderhorn is a Normal server. No worries about non-consensual PvP there. The guards will still kick your butt if you’re too low level, though.

Thunderhorn is normal. I don’t know how anybody can play with people trying to beat you up all the time.

Some of us like it. :wink: I enjoy the added element of danger in on the PvP server (I’m on Sargeras). You have to watch your back, and it creates some really intense/humorous moments ocasionally. I had a blast when I was a low 20s priest running around cat-and-mouse style with Horde gankers in Stranglethorn.

It keeps me busy nowadays too. Whenever I’m in the queue for Warsong Gulch, I wander around Ashenvale looking for any Horde picking on the Alliance noobs in the area. Nothing like jumping out of a shadowmeld to heal some level 25 night elf and teach his aggressor some manners. :smiley:

I have two characters on Draenor (normal server) and I solo lots. I generally don’t want to deal with the responsibility of staying with a quest until my party has finished it.

My first character was a Dwarf hunter and he is now level 31. I can pretty well obliterate most single creeps with a combination of traps, my raptor (Love) and lots’o’shootin. I was in a full group of hunters one time and with 5 pets and 5 ranged attackers/trappers it was crazy. Creeps couldn’t kill our pets because the kept switching targets with growl and with all of us firing it was like a long-range buzzsaw. I don’t know why people complain about the hunter.

My other character is a NE warrior. He’s a lot of fun to play too. I can’t heal in combat, but I can dish out damage like no other. He groups more than the hunter, but surely not anywhere near everytime that he logs on.

Playing any class is an art form. My warrior and my hunter are completely different play-styles, but they are both lots of fun.

Nodonn, NE Warrior
Tyrchon, Dwarf Hunter
Guild: Merchants of Menace

Oh, some kinds of quests are just rotten in a group, and some are a natural for doing in a group. The “Kill X of Y” or “Kill Boss Z” quests work really well in groups - one X dies, and all party members that are in the area get credit for killing it. On the other hand, “Get me X widgets” takes much longer in a group - only one party member gets to pick up any given widget, so you need to find X times the number of party members widgets. The only kind of quest to bring back items that works well in a group is if it’s some boss’s head or sword or something. If just one specific mob drops it, there’s a copy of the item for everyone in the party.