solving the world energy crisis

IMHO if we put solar panels on every roof top of every building in every nation and including the miles and miles of desert (mostly useless space) then we would have enough power to run every airport/shopping mall/ hospital/ and home. And in a few years (100 maybe?) it would pay for itself because the source is free. Remember, the its always noon somewhere on Earth.

Paying for themselves in 100 years isn’t going to be an attractive investment for anyone that I know.

(Now, wasn’t that enlightening. I always love it when a GP spokesperson shows up.)
[li] Who’ll pay for these solar array?[/li][li] Who’ll install the arrays?[/li][li] Who’ll prevent the wackoid third world governments from hijacking the array output? The U.N.?[/li][/ul]

(I think you need to find a different topic.)

[Arnold Schwarzenegger]
Eat your vegetables, get plenty of exercise.
[/Arnold Schwarzenegger]

Thank you, thank you! I’ll be here all week! And don’t forget to tip your waitress.

My fantasy is to corral the “deserts are useless space better covered with photoelectric cells” crowd, get an equal number of “the pristine ecosystem of the desert is far superior to what’s been ruined by humans” faction, give 'em each an axe, and put them all in an arena.

Bet if I sold tickets, I could buy enough gasoline with the money to solve the “world energy crisis”.

This can be improved upon. Ditch the axes, and give them baseball bats instead. The trick is, all of them will be fully swathed in piezoelectric crystals, which will generate a slight amount of power on each bone-crunching whack. Not very much per individual, you understand, but it adds up. Just harvest battery packs after they all stop twitching.

Now let’s conservate.

Yes. The United Nations as part of the New World Order can install (and maintain) these solar panels. It makes more sense and is probably cheaper than what the Americans will be paying for if President W gets his “missle field”.

okay okay i know that these are unrelated issues. it was just part of a free flowing rant.