Some Muslims are pissing me off

Ok, so I joined an Islamic forum a while ago and much like the Iraq war, I’ve become bogged down in arguments and debates of how corrupt hellish and morally bankcrupt the west is, and how our military is nothing short of the SS in all but name, and how our Secular society is nothing more than a godless tyranny which can be solved with implementing Shariah law and full scale conversions to Islam.

I tried, I really did try to be tolerant, maybe understand from their point of view, but after a while I got sick of hearing how my society sucked by the very Muslims who lived in it. I got sick to death of all the stupid stereotypes of how Westerners were all naked hippie business devils who happen to rule the world with the Jews.

So then I have a change of tact, I decide to call them on their own faults, do I see an admission of guilt? Do I see some sort of reflection of reconciliation?


I see more of the same tirades, more bashing the West, how the Americans are all evil along with the Jews, more crap about how some caliphate was the centre of civilization hundreds of years ago, bringing up stuff I don’t care about, telling me how again and again 9/11 was caused by Zionists and Mossad.

Hers an excerpt of what the average person on this board thinks of the Western lifestyle

'not many because abuse in the family does not occur in muslim families…and if it does it is very rare and not islamic…the sanctity of the family is protected in Islam…and you don’t find kids that are sexually molested in muslim countries…that is unheard of…oh i knw for most non muslims this is hard to believe…since you stereotype muslim men as “wife bashers”…but believe it or not that is those are the true fact… ’

‘People who follow Quran’n and sunnah never cheat, weather they are in Antarctica or in Soudiarabia.
BTW common westerner doesn’t follow Christianity or Islam, their religion is Capitalism. Tha’s why they have this wired, animal culture’

One of my friends, who knows alot about the religion and came up with valid points had this tirade launched at him, he was then banned for promoting Zionism

‘Certainly signs that Changeling has been abused in some way. Or perhaps neglected and allowed to fall intoi that abyss of the teenage wasteland. A culture which swallows up our youths in drugs and other moral deprivations. Perhaps we’ll show him more kindness and seeing the gentler side of Islam, he’ll be moved and come to God on his own and be healed.’

And then I get insulted too. On Secularist government.

‘You are a bloody crusader. Your obsession with individualism (or secuarism, as you called it) only broadens the reproach you have for the “lineal” thinking which allows for the expression of true sexual freedom under the protection of marriage and chastity’

On my belief that religion shouldn’t intertwine with government. And a members answer.

’ Fundementally, the code of conduct which comes from religion must be practiced in all aspects of one’s life, whether in business, at home or in social scenarios. Otherwise it is nothing but hypocracy. Your failure to connect Religion with Social Responsibility, as you labeled it, has the bitter flavor of American style culture innovation. This is the sort of mental confusion about morality and ethics
which Islam protects us from. Unfortunately, you cannot begin to relate to that civilized concept due to the pot smoking, infanticidal, spouse cheating community that reared you. And by the way, were you raised by a single mother? ’

Well, what am getting sick of is turning the other cheek for intolerant bastards who think that I should respect them even though they disrespect me. I’m sick of having to apologise for my society and its beliefs, its culture and how it people immgrate all over the world to it and then complain about its morals and ethics. I brought up the example of the Sudanese crisis to say we aren’t completely in it for the money, and they still turned it into some satanic war against Islam. I’m sick of my society being labelled a demonic sex abuse hellhole, and then how they go on about how there Muslims society is the best thing since sliced bread.

I’m sick of being ashamed of being told my society is the first step to eternal damnation.

I know not all muslims are like this, but the fact the some of them won’t budge one bit on their non-sensical stances such as OBL and Al Queda, to the repression of their own societies, drives me up the wall.

smacks head repeatedly against brick wall

Why oh why oh why do we let these evil bigoted swine even have access to the internet?

I am very sorry Ryan_Liam that you’ve had such bad experiences. Fortunately, the people you’ve come across are a small, but unfortunately vocal, minority who really really don’t have the first clue about the basic tenants of Islam. Empty vessels making the most noise and all that.

I really don’t know what to say. It pisses me off no end to see the faith and culture I was brought up in denigrated so much by idiots, it really does. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot we can do about this, apart from making them pass general intelligence and history tests before they’re let loose on the internet unsupervised. :wink:

Islam is a religon which puts value on society and community above everything else. However, your “correspondants” (and I use that term loosly), just seem to be the type of fundamentalist bigot I’ve grown to hate. I was lucky in that the branch of the faith I was brought up in is extremely liberal, but even so, I simply cannot see how anyone who knows the basic tenants of Islam can even spew such hate. It makes me sad, it really does. :frowning:

I’m not bothered what religion anyone follows, but its just getting really ingratiating thats all, I try my best to convince them we’re not bloodthirsty Jew ruled devils from outerspace, but they never buy it. Nothing works in trying to convince them otherwise.

Well, it seems that ‘fucktard’ is not alien to any culture, creed, or race.

I’m not defending the people on that board, but I’d just point out that it’s the same all over the Internet, independent of race, religion or creed. A large fraction of the Internet is taken up by ignorant loudmouths whose only means of debate is repetition and insult. You really shouldn’t draw conclusions about the whole group based on these idiots, any more than atheists should draw unfavorable conclusions about Christians based on some religious message boards. The sensible people are always less visible in this sort of medium, especially when they get sick of arguing with the idiots and come post here. :slight_smile:

I’m not normally a grammar Nazi, but I felt I had to correct this instance of bad word usage. Ingratiate means “To bring (oneself, for example) into the favor or good graces of another, especially by deliberate effort”. Perhaps you meant agravating?

As to your rant, I sympathize, but if the general thinking of that board is so twisted, why do you still go back there?

Oh damn. Sorry about the ingratiating. Replace with argravating :wink: I don’t, it all came to a head and I left, and now, am bitching about it :smiley:

Thats the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me! :smiley:

Well, how are we Jews supposed to rule the world if not with the help of our naked hippie business devils?

The moral of the story is that debating with dumb ignorant motherfuckers is rarely a satisfying experience.

It can’t be put any better then this.

How about this:
The only things that result from wrestling with a pig are: 1) you both get dirty, and 2) the pig likes it.

“Therefore, do not give your pearls to swine. They will just trample on them.” — Jesus

I’m not normally a grammar Nazi either, but I felt I had to correct this instance of poor spelling. Did you mean Aggravate? Aggravate means "To make worse or more troublesome. To rouse to exasperation or anger; provoke. See Synonyms at annoy. "



I’m looking to move—how’s the rent?

So you’re a spelling Nazi?
Anyhoo, the clowns on the board in question are no different than the shitbrained weasels of Stormfront, or any extremist board, really. If you must post there, just throw out badly-spelled profanity-laden missives about how a particular thread is nonsense and that you know the real truth, though you decline to reveal it except to the worthy.

That’ll hook 'em. You could even start a cult.

[QUOTE=Bryan Ekers]
So you’re a spelling Nazi?


Ya, I wrestled with that one, too Brian. I guess I should have said something like “I’m not normally a spelling ro grammar nazi either…”, but then the joke just gets way too damned complicated!


You found a message board full of Aldebaran clones? :eek:

“You are a bloody crusader…Tha(t)’s why they have this wired, animal culture’…Perhaps…seeing the gentler side of Islam, he’ll be moved and come to God on his own and be healed.”
I’m getting those “You are a sick, perverted, sinner who will burn forever in a VAST lake of fire! Come experience the love of Jesus.” vibes.

Well, good, because those small lakes of fire are always crowded and you have those damn kids trying to show off doing cannonballs and whatnot and ruining it for those of us who just want to quietly swim laps.