Some parents now going after mental health programs in schools

Claiming that mental health programs in schools are akin to indoctrination, some parents’ groups are going after them now.

Another example of parents fearing what they don’t understand.

Conservative parents waving Bibles: “Teach our children values and morality and righteousness in school!”

Conservative parents looking at school mental health programs to help children learn resilience, empathy, compassion and a host of other healthy cognitive and emotional abilities: “No not like that”

It breaks my heart how many parents think they should be the supreme arbitrators of what’s right for their children (and for other people’s children) just based on the fact that they’re parents, and how many think that the educators who went to school to find out just how best to serve children’s learning and emotional needs are “all out to get them”.

And this is what happens when you get an ignorant population. It’s bad enough that for so-called “social ills”, the vocal ignorant are getting things pushed into law–even obviously unconstiutional laws that will die a quick death, now they’re essentially resurrecting the “insane people are evil”* canard.

Look, mental health issues are just that: health issues. The brain is an organ. It just so happens to have a unique set of afflictions that the ignorant cannot or will not understand.

Looks like it’s time to believe in trime travel. We’re warping backwards, and it’s not to a better time or place.

Do you want mass murderers? Pretty sure that’s how you get mass murderers. *shakes head*

In reading the article’s very first sentence, I was not at all surprised to see this word: “Texas”. A couple of other states are mentioned later, but this is their lead example.

I’m going to guess a significant overlap with anti-vaxers and anti-maskers. I was also going to guess a significant overlap with Trumpism, but no need to guess: later on, the article contains the phrase “fueled by loyalists to former President Donald Trump”, and also “a ploy to ‘brainwash’ them with liberal values”.

Just abject stupidity, at its finest.

Yup, I’ve lost a lot of faith in what this country is capable of.

I think it’d be fair to speculate that for some of these kids, their parents are the reason they need mental health programs in school.

I’m afraid we’re finding out what this country is capable of.