Some People

“Some People” make Guinastasia cry, not to mention Baby Jesus[sup]TM[/sup].

Why does Baby Jesus make Guinastasia cry?

Thanks for your contribution. Your concern for humanity impresses ALL of us.

When I saw the thread title, I was all ready to break into my rendition of Mama Rose in “Gypsy.”


Booing the Afghanistan flag? Morons.

Anahita, do you ever get out and, you know, talk to French folk about their attitudes toward Jews and North African immigrants? I know you must have had to endure a great deal of ignorance and cruelty from American jerks during the Iranian hostage crisis, but if you think France is a paradise of racial harmony, we must have spent time in different countries. You might want to check out SOS Racisme’s accounts of racial discrimination in France.

How very condescending of you gobear. Yes, I get out and talk to French folks quite a lot. Thank you for your concern. I’m not sure where you got the idea that I said, “France is a paradise of racial harmony,” but this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve put words in my mouth.

Did I say that she would encounter this sort of idiocy ONLY in the United States? No, I did not. This was a post about this issue in the USA, so I addressed my feelings about this specific incident. Why should where I live presently have anything at all to do with this particular incident in the OP?

My choice not to raise my daughter in United States is probably something I shouldn’t have brought into this thread, but the OP’s description of the incident at his/her child’s school brought back clear memories of the horrible time I had in school because of my nationality (at the time) and my background.

If you are trying to broaden this issue, and would like to ask: “Would a similar thing happen in France?”, then please open your own thread about it.

Uh, maybe because you brought it up?

Um, go back and reread, Zoff, I didn’t bring it up. He got where I live presently from my profile, nothing in my original post (quoted below) says a word about me living in France.

My original post:
"That makes me very sad. As a teacher, I’d have to be held back from making an ad-lib lecture to the parents about setting a good example and tolerance.

This is precisely why my daughter will NEVER live in the USA. If she has even 1/2 of the garbage I had during the Hostage Crisis era, I’d be raising holy heck and taking names.

I KNOW that this is probably an isolated incident, and not all schools/communities harbour this type of idiocy, but I wouldn’t take a chance with her self-image. It’s just not worth it."

Touchy, touchy. You siad you didn’t want to bring up your child in the US

Sorry, babe, those are words you put in your own mouth, not me. it just seems odd to me that you would make such a point about US racism living where you do.

Still, I’m sorry you had a rough time growing up. Cruelty is something people can never undo.

But did I mention anything about France NOT having any problems with racism? Hrm…no, I did not. Just because I criticize the US in this incident, doesn’t mean that I believe that where I live is any better.

And FTR, since you seem like you are trying to be sympathetic, we will not be sending her to school in France, either.

I am decidedly Middle Eastern looking, and I’ve never had a problem in France, nor have any of my family who live here or work here.

Since 9/11, my family have been vandalized, harrassed, and generally bothered because of our background, despite the fact that both my parents are upstanding and contributing members of their community. So, it’s not like this is something that is in the past.

I didn’t have to look, you’ve mentioned that you live in France in any number of previous posts. Do you think people don’t pay attention to you?

:breathes deeply:

I am merely saying, I wasn’t playing “Compare and Contrast” with the US and France. I was commenting on this one incident, which brings back memories for me.

Having political disagreements doesn’s transcend humanity and empathy for suffering. Nobody should have to endure bigotry and prejudice–not the child holding the Afghan flag, not you or your family.

I take it your parents live in the States. I am shamed by my countrymen who are so blinded by hate that they inflict the same hatred on the innocent.

I am ashamed, too, and angered. The US’s strength as a country built on the blood and toil of immigrants is becoming tainted with incidents like the ones my family have endured.

I feel ashamed that my father, a proud man, who is the only doctor in his entire county that will see DHS patients and give them breaks financially is being treated this way, and he is humble and understanding about it. He just keeps a low profile and continues saving people’s lives while his building, car, and home are defaced.

I know these things happen in other countries, because, frankly, I’ve lived in plenty of other countries. The US is not alone in this phenomenon, however, since I’ve never experienced it elsewhere, and it seems quite difficult for people of Middle Eastern descent in the States presently, I wouldn’t choose for us to live there.

In addition, I have serious reservations about paying taxes to support some areas of the foreign affairs agenda presently being advanced. That is a whole different thread.

To end this, I’ll just say that I hope that the student who had to carry the Afghani flag remembers this incident, and uses it to draw strength from when he’s faced with adversity and prejudice in his life. I’m sure it will stay in his memory for years to come.

I don’t even know you that well on these boards and I know you live in France.

The inference I got was that France is better. Or were you implying that France is actually worse, but you still wouldn’t educate your kid in the US? That wouldn’t seem to make much sense.

I think gobear’s comments were legitimate. You seem to acknowledge that it might not be so widespread yet impliedly condemn the entire US. In that context, I think it’s perfectly acceptable to point out that it’s not all peaches and cream elsewhere.

I’m sorry for what happened to you during the hostage crisis (and was friends with a kid who got some abuse as well) and I’m appalled at what happened to these kids at the school play. But I’ve noticed a tendency for you to issue blanket condemnations of the US. Lord knows there is much to criticize, but it’s a big, diverse country.

see my simulpost…second to last paragraph, please.

Also, by saying I would choose not to send my daughter to school in the States, that doesn’t mean no one else should. It’s not a blanket condemnation of the States or American education, it’s simply a choice we are making as parents.

Another poster mentioned that reading this made Home Schooling look even more appealing. Is he making a blanket condemnation of the state of the US educational system?

Perhaps I inferred what you didn’t mean to imply. It seemed like a broad condemnation. But let’s stop the hijack and get back to bashing the morons who booed the flag.

It wasn’t a broad condemnation.

Boooooooooooo for rude audience members.

Gee Willickers! I hate to think what they did to the little kid with the Saudi flag considering that’s where most of the funding and hate mongering for the attacks came from.

I mean Saudi Arabia of course. I’m not suggesting the little kid provided the funding. Mind you, he was openly carrying the flag of a known, fundamentalist, Muslim regime. We can only hope the FBI is keeping a watch on him. Just to be sure.

How quaint. Booing the flag of one of our allies. IIRC, the current government of Afghanistan is an ally of the United States.