Some (relatively) good news on Covid and kidney issues

About 20% of people hospitalized with Covid also experience resulting kidney impairment while hospitalized. In a post hospitalization longitudinal study of those who did, it looks like long-term kidney effects are less likely than what arises from influenza or other diseases (that cause kidney trauma).

Here is the link to JAMA. You may not be able to read it, but access is free, you just have to register.

[One other observation, and I don’t intend to derail this, but: the samples were drawn from five New England hospitals, a region that on average is about 7% black/AA, but the sample had about 29% of same. I think the most likely guess is the five hospitals were part of an urban medical group, but it’s just something that struck me as I read through the demographic exhibit. ]

Trying to remain incurrent here: It’s just struck me how difficult it is to access peer-reviewed nursing research. I did a research paper for an ethics class I almost failed under an eminent peace psychologist when I had large aims to be a therapist and I found that the kind of data you need to find about nursing homes and how they operate is stuff that you often have to pay money to access. Anyone have anything to say about this?